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Everything posted by Unjo

  1. Dam Chriss really do be making himself non coupable

    Mic input was disabled so we can't hear what he says 

    Group engagement exists

    player comped for revive

    Staff quality really do be declining

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Christoph


      panda do be out here grinding them false ban tickets ngl 

    3. Orgondo


      LOL, for fucks sake.

    4. QKSILVR73


      dude says, "Hey buddy, Hands up or be tazed."


  3. There are apprentley "unwritten rules" that SAPD can't camp a piece of property for more than 15+ minutes Beware though, "unwritten rules" cant be copy pasted into a support channel cus they dont exsist and SAPD tend to play by a different handbook anyway
  4. Now commit misconduct ban
  5. Someone stocked up at a t5 vigi...
  6. So when is everyone gonna relise money hungry cops don't care about arrests so much, but actually drug searches which come with easily gainable perks so they get extra money per search

    1. NokiaStrong


      PSA: Don’t turn yourself in, request a lethal

    2. N7Zero


      "Hello officer i would like to request for a lethal?"

      Officer: "Sure!"

      Officer: *Handcuffs you* *starts reading off charges*

  7. The fuck is 5000 hours
  8. Who ever hides spicy status updates help kill the server


  9. Selling stimulants
  10. Welcome to Zahz Life

  11. Star citizen any good or still "crowdfunding"?

    1. DashTonic
    2. Unjo


      May just get it and refund it if its a mess

  12. Mfw when I see streams still in status updates instead of dedicated section


  13. Anyone wanna trade guns when we fighting towel heads?

  14. Unjo


    Rule 1 No fun
  15. Where did those @Agony posts go how he was being framed for ddos threats

  16. Served an entire perm and we still have 0 hawk skins

    also happy birthday @Zeuse

    1. Zeuse


      Thank you Mr. Unjo.  ❤️😄

    2. Mako


      Just needs to be copy pasted in probably will make next hotfix

      yw 🦍

  17. Imagine being in 2019

  18. Welcome to Simp Nation @ChrisGG
  19. So do i get my 485 mil back in a comp request or whats up

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. d a k o t a
    3. CIA JOSH
    4. Millennium


      @Ryan is just a jew and wants to keep all his money. even if its fake

  20. My boy @Hurricane got done fucking dirty, 

  21. @Rossco Heres one for you because you never get off this condemned game 695fcc3abcfe7a5145049d73070054ab.png

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. snipeZ


      @Rossco to my knowledge this is a "meme" quest for the adidas uniform. It wont impact getting the "Kappa" container.

    3. Cale
    4. Rossco


      @snipeZ I’d you’re right then I love you 😍

  22. Image result for harold stock photo

    New dox, cant confirm who tho 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      Can we get moderator @Drippp on the case?

    3. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Moderator @Drippp is sure to work this out

    4. Drippp


      This is 10/10 that old fuck @Woo hahah it’s okay tho that I say that because I be living with feet up rent free in dudes head. 
      honestly fuck it gorilla in da coupe


  23. GMOD:

    Populated by mostly children

    Has nazi roleplay, school shooter rp and basically anything else you can imagine


    Arma 3:

    Populated by (mostly) mature players

    Is Big brothered by a dog shit company that can't fix bugs that have existed since day 1 and instead meddles with servers they help kill 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jaster


      Ruined jets, ruined driving and tank combat, ruined ifrits, let’s bugs exist for years, fucked up audio so I hear Frits from 5k away, only caters to milsim. Arma 3 peaked around apex dlc then was downhill from there. ETA on arma 4?

    3. darn fool
    4. Unjo


      "Yeah lets give hatchbacks tank physics"

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