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Everything posted by Scribble

  1. come watch our friendships end www.twitch.tv/tehjellydonut


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Scribble


      10 mins later they killed him in the water too idk how they missed me

    3. proud


      this is why ur best medic

    4. Fyshie.


      This man stares at the face of death and laughs.


    1. ikiled


      jesus christ how long ago was that first clip?

    2. Scribble


      dont remember they were just random things taking up space some are from back in november


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. destruct
    3. ikiled


      that last one made me lol

    4. Dangus


      Last one made me last one made me laugh a lot. I also loved the epic God tier pit on the one dude. All in all, good meme.

  5. Stupid Comcast, just got service back after a 6 hour outage, this is the second one this week.

    1. ikiled


      do i smell a lawsuit and a new provider if it keeps happening?

    2. Scribble


      only providers i have are comcast and att and no one wants att

    3. ikiled


      rip... that sucks a ton. 

      just call support and they will usually just take money off ur bill for the service outage since it keeps happening and effecting u

  6. Wait for the appeal
  7. Sorry @Isaac Newton for not flying safe but there was a million dollars and a "no balls" on the line.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arigato
    3. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      ANYTHIng that is no balls is excusable.

      Even Mass RDM. 

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Pull that off in a blackfish and I'll be impressed.


    1. Scribble


      This is how RP should be played out

  9. Someone spangled me with a quad the other day a dropped a marker nw island and I was 7,000 km and going at 450 m high
  10. yea, but it wouldn't be like APD with the combat, oops tackle restrain. you would still have to have the zip ties, vigi license, gun out and them downed or surrendering to Shift R restrain them
  11. 7 Raw Snakes
  12. It’s up for debate yes you can bring the bacon
  13. We will be sectioning off parts of the square so we can have a good time without having to worry about getting ran over it will be starting 4pm cst. Good chance to stock up on your candy canes we will be giving them out as Christmas presents.
  14. Still a work in progress https://imgur.com/a/3G9vB

    1. JAMIE
    2. Scribble


      Lol at least you didn’t die like a fool this time Jamie 

    3. Africa
  16. vigi vest is a level 3 last i remember
  17. I was going to wait until the 26th to post this but everyone kept asking for it, so here it is Olympus Medics


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Regal
    3. DeadPool


      The APD needs to step up thier game 

    4. Airborne


      who actually wanted to see this?

  18. GTA heists with Levi suki and mercury www.twitch.tv/tehjellydonut

  19. lel just made @Fedot rage quit teamspeak. Who won that troll off nerd lol

    1. Fedot


      understandable.... REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

    2. Scribble
  20. How to be a medic 101

    @Isaac Newton @FrenchieBois

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Dangus


      How is that Arma in a nutshell? 

    3. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      3 hours ago, DINGUSDEAN said:

      How is that Arma in a nutshell? 

      Cannot guarantee 100% sobriety this Halloween B) I probably meant to say Kavala in a nutshell. As in funny and unexpected shit happens

    4. Dangus


      That sounds like something that would make sense. Cause crashing going at least 125 km/h into a stopped vehicle will definitely cause some damage lol

  21. Looks like this guy tried to eat his soup with a fork again.


    1. proud


      Looks like me in the future

  22. So, I was just told by a vigi medics are rude, because we would't take the vigi to a rev that had a 1.4 mil bounty.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KrispyK


      thanks for having standards, would have been a scummy thing to do if you had. +1

    3. Scribble


      the vigi saw him die in side chat and wanted us to take him to him so he could vigi him. we told him no, then he got all salty

    4. Ozzy Jones

      Ozzy Jones

      My default answer to anyone wanting me as Medic to give them a ride to anywhere except the nearest garage or airport is no; any exceptions need to be well justified.  

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