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Retired Staff
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Everything posted by Hylos

  1. Man really don't wanna see you go but i'll try my best to bring you back lol o7 homie its been a hell of ride and playing with you in tree was some of the funniest moments I think I've had since I've joined the community. Don't be a stranger and come join ts anytime to chill with us.
  2. Hylos

    o7 APD

    o7 man thanks for your hard work and enjoy retirement
  3. Congrats x2 @Pledge do us proud

  4. o7 dude don't be a stranger and come back to talk shit to people
  5. You've been a true homie and honestly appreciate the work you've done. Enjoy your retirement and thank you again for giving me a chance on the srAPD.
  6. o7 @Pledge its been awesome having you as chief and thank you for your work

  7. o7 to easily one of the most chill people in the community. We'll all miss you and don't be a stranger :)
  8. Happy birthday @Seth M.!

    1. Seth M.

      Seth M.

      Thank you, thank you. :)

  9. Happy birthday you big gay @Nurse Lou

  10. Congrats @Bloodmoon try not to lose it on the same day again xd

  11. o7 @hawk and @Sandman you are both big gay :(

  12. Hylos

    o7 Brothers.

    o7 homie
  13. congrats @Luke Duke well deserved!

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