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Status Updates posted by Pablo_Escobar

  1. How’s Olympus been?

  2. I'm leaving Olympus fellas. I enjoyed most of my time here, and made many friends. I'm not going to @ anybody because it would be many people. I know I made a negative impression on most of the people here. But to the people who I was friends with- I appreciate you all. I hope Olympus continues to grow and strive, and wish everybody good luck in your ventures. Bye 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bigSMOKE
    3. Pablo_Escobar


      @bigSMOKE your epeen to small to handle a dislike? :D glad I'm leaving and won't have to be around people like you

    4. bigSMOKE


      Stfu you toothless monkey 

  3. Congrats @LukeTheCoop knew you would get it

    1. Trevor Lawrence MVP season
    2. LukeTheCoop


      I did not get it. I don't know if you knew or not... But three other very good medics got it.

  4. Congrats @destruct ya earned my respect during my perm :Kappa:

  5. Happy birthday to the eagle @hawk 

  6. Congratulations on corporal @Soulz I told ya you’d get it ;)

  7. Airborne and edge LT

    if outcast resigns then chrisgg dep chief

    Luke duke cyanide hurricane or supernova sarg

    Tb soulz Corp

    those are my predictions 

    1. -dante-
    2. indian


      Strae and Airborne for LT

      Hylos Luke Duke for sgt 

      Tb only to get Corp, maybe greenbum

    3. Tb:)


      pretty sure edge and airborne are gonna be LT 

      and luke and hurricane maybe


  8. Congratulations on the promotion @hawk

  9. thanks for the downvotes :lol: @I’m Pablo Escobar 

    1. Mozehh


      just trying to make you feel loved brother

  10. Got a perm for NLR, may get unbanned but probably not. Once I get my appeal sorted out I'll be making an official o7 post.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. codeYeTi


      Have we gotten to the point where we have pre-o7-post-finality status updates?

    3. Pablo_Escobar
    4. codeYeTi


      y i k e s

      A real Olympian makes an o7 post then reneges on it an comes back. Everyone knows that.

  11. just got kicked out of a competitive csgo match full of little kids who act like dictators and tell me which site to go to :PJSalt:

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pablo_Escobar


      @Ronin get the fuck off my profile you filthy whore, you must be sad because your mommy left you at a young age.

    3. Ronin


      you didn't say anything back because it's true.  get off this site, you prepubescent child.

    4. Pablo_Escobar


      Get off my profile bitch who the fuck are you honestly ur so full of shit do you like to just shit talk people for no reason?

  12. School be weighing me down right now 

  13. gratz

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      That's not him in the channel. It's Sandman.

    3. ikiled


      was very confused on what this was until someone sent me a picture LOL

    4. Pablo_Escobar
  14. I get unbanned in 16 minutes :D

    1. Millennium


      someone please add 1 minute so its 17 minutes

  15. I get unbanned in 5 minutes :)

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Yeah, about that... >.>

    2. Darren Nsonowa

      Darren Nsonowa

      I get unbanned in 16 hours

    3. DeadPool


      1 hour ago, Grandma Gary said:

      Yeah, about that... >.>

      just keep adding 5 more mintues

  16. happy birthday

    1. Strikke


      Dont even know who you are :( But thanks! :)

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