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Everything posted by Gibbs

  1. o7
  2. It didn't start until I put the game on my HDD, I only log in to keep my houses so it is a non issue.
  3. Thanks deadpool
  4. Not sure if this is a me problem or if it's something in the recent update. Does anyone have any idea on how I might fix this?
  5. Fuck you, you beta cuckold. @TheCmdrRex

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pledge


      Glad I'm just now learning of this through the forums. Also glad I won't get any more reward from being on the senior apd for a year and a half than someone gets for being inactive for 3 months and retiring.

    3. falcon
    4. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      8 hours ago, Pledge said:

      Glad I'm just now learning of this through the forums. Also glad I won't get any more reward from being on the senior apd for a year and a half than someone gets for being inactive for 3 months and retiring.

      This is just like the Democrats and their gun control. This is only the beginning. They'll do it bit by bit so that nobody notices until it's too late and one day I'll lose my retired perks in the same fashion.

  6. Vote for @Colt  Make Olympus Great Again!  @Homicide is playing GTA V what is this shit?

    1. Homicide


      Im playing GTARP but i also play olympus everyday check the stats

  7. Forza 7 has been fun, and you can get it on PC now.
  8. 10 mil I'll even throw in a couple of titans and some rockets
  9. Someone offered 2 mil. for each, i feel like they are worth at least 5 mil. each.
  10. Which server? *EDIT* I have 2 dp 23 houses that are 2 craters right next to each other server 1.
  11. If you have never seen this its a good one. 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Unjo


      Surprised he actually shot lmao. 

    3. noah:)


      It's fake @Unjo. Was a skit but hella funny:D

    4. ikiled
  12. Thinking of buying forza 7 anyone play it?

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      If I had an Xbox 1, I’d be all over that game. I played the shit out of Forza 4 back when I had a 360. 

    2. Gibbs


      You can buy it on PC!


  13. @Peter Long Smells like room temperature bologna....

    1. obeymatt


      That’s actually his favorite meal 

    2. Scribble


      Is that a bad thing?

    3. Genghis Khan
  14. The hatchback is ruined wtf B.I....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gibbs


      Driving in first person is much nicer, but yeah braking is shit.

    3. DashTonic


      I can drift easier in me rape van

    4. Gibbs


      I'm not paying 12 dollars for a rape van when I have a rape Ghosthawk.


  15. Happy Birthday!

    1. Strugglebus


      Thanks Gibbs you a real one 

  16. I was doing Deputy tests like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yz3bDON9bNo 


    Also I'm out of reactions for the day.


    1. Shabiki Bakur al-Baad

      Shabiki Bakur al-Baad


  17. None of that, kickin my feet up and enjoying retirement! I'll still be around here and there.
  18. I don't want to do a cheesy "My time is up" posts. So instead, Ladies and Gentlemen, Conway Twitty.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Og1QRtcWdEY @G.O.A.T. You're a real one, it has been a pleasure serving under you. @McDili Watching you role-play with people was always the highlight of the night. @Fat Clemenza Thank you for giving me the chance to be apart of shaping the APD. @Corporal_Moob I hated you with a passion for the longest time, but once I got to know you, you were a great cop. I don't want to @ everyone this post will be a mile long, but I do want to thank the community as a whole cops and civs, you guys are what makes this community great and it's been a fun three and a half years. Congrats to @Fushigi @HyperGoat !
  19. @MrBoonie Please
  20. o7 have a good one buddy, wish you the best of luck.
  21. I can only feel like m900 is going to go the way of the plane....

    1. falcon


      @G.O.A.T. Personally, nothing against how you have it set up but I think it should be strictly only for transportation. Recon etc. etc.  it just takes away from CPL+. 

      According to the handbook it says CPLs are entrusted with Helicopters, they have earned their right to use them. POs are quite there yet, which from this POV I can see how people may get little bit upset.

      I have nothing against the M900 update but I think should strictly transportation nothing more nothing less.

    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      NiBBa it might have something to do with instead of the first rank of available flight having 28 people, The first rank for flight will now have 122.

    3. silton


      8 hours ago, G.O.A.T. said:

      I agree with you on your second point, and that's why Corporals+ have the sole responsibility of allowing them to be pulled for anything other than what I listed. It makes a lot of sense.

      Let's say IF I did still have PO and my boys that are corp let me use the m900 is that a good idea?

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