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Everything posted by maxg

  1. maxg


    I still appreciate you telling me to keep playing cop when I got suspended, Your a real one. o7
  2. Mad respect for posting this @Skateezy People are always going to be toxic and be dickheads for no reason but to be a dick, Just the reality of the internet. Unfortunately, The only way to really make a change is to first look at yourself and try and spread more positivity and hope people do the same. It's a shame to see him pass like that.. R.I.P Reckful
  3. o7 lad, Still really wish I removed you from support team. None the less, Have a good life outside of Olympus man
  4. I'm sorry to break it to you, the exclamation point after every message doesn't make you sound cool
  5. we lost a true content creator today..... Edit: just saw he is going to keep streaming
  6. @Bloodmoon Damn bruh, they really been hittin u hard with deleting those status updates lol

    1. Bloodmoon


      That retard probably has had the biggest ego growth I've ever seen from getting staff.

  7. I think this one slaps more than Ransom



  8. Thanks for all the chances you gave me when i was a corporal @Pledge even though you demoted me ^_^
  9. don't know who you are but, cya in a week
  10. as @Rexo's lawyer, he is pleading the 5th
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