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Texture Designer
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Status Replies posted by maxg

  1. congrats maximus g @maxg

  2. @maxg congrats brother wear the tag well

  3. Congrats @maxg, you deserved it. Do better than I did.

  4. Congratz shit head @maxg

  5. Congrats @maxg 

    And also fuck anyone that had to do with Jester getting Perm'd, you beta retards

  6. congrats nerd @maxg now get on dayz

  7. ₵Ø₦₲Ɽ₳₮₴ ₥₳Ӿ Ø₦ ₴Ʉ₱₱ØⱤ₮ ₮Ɇ₳₥ ⱠɆ₳Đ

  8. Congratulations @maxg on Support Team Lead!

  9. Pimping peoples profiles today. Guala guala :3

  10. proud

    proud    Ryan

    wassup bud is it cool if 100mil gets transferred into my bank account? just think its a favor for an old ndhs friend. thanks man!

  11. Day one without nicotine.

  12. how do i change my name?!!!?

  13. maxg

    maxg    drama

    The best or one of the best admins olympus has every had, happy bday nerd :wub:

  14. Curious, do you guys mainly use light theme or dark theme?

  15. @Retired Staff you guys should now have profile songs :P 

  16. will pay for apd interview been sittin in here for like 9 hours 

  17. 5 extra reactions per donation tier, make it happen

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