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Olympus Plus
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Status Replies posted by batGooseCan

  1. Who deleted the most wholesome club smh

  2. Day 5 of asking to unban @ EricZ

  3. What are some of y'alls goals for the new years? You put one, I'll put one 😉. I'll start: get promoted from Staff Accountant to Associate Accountant.

  4. Hopefully I can save someone here. Do NOT buy an AMD 7900 XT(X).

    You all know me as an AMD fanboy, and I still am because I'm stuck with them as the only non-cunts that will give me an open-source driver to tinker on, but there is something very seriously wrong with these things on a fundamental level.

    50-150% frametime variance ~3x / second in VR. It seems someone okay outside of VR, but the frametime inconsistency is still present, though less noticeable.

    1. batGooseCan


      Seems like AMD pushed these out to compete with Nvidia without fully working out all the kinks.

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  5. Congrats @ hawk long time coming

  6. is this place still poppin off

  7. @ hawk it was a good run man

  8. Stop Trans hate unban @ Cory

  9. i just want to announce @ Lucien  @ Zeuse  & I are proudly getting married in a 3 way poly relationship. Wedding will be at 8PM CST 10/2/22 on church cap. I expect everyone to be there with gifts.

  10. can i get unbanned i really miss vdming things

  11. Where is Hadi Mokdad

  12. Who designed Pyrgos bank? Were you trolling or randomly placing objects when you were half asleep?

    Whoever thought:

    A) we need a 3rd bank

    B) make it 3km away from nearest HQ

    you are CERTIFIED braindead, and probably on civ council at some point

    1. batGooseCan


      Ground push is fine imo. You can literally just back up a hunter and get inside the bank. Seems like cops want to only use the slam and overwhelm strat. Rocks are way better than vents as well. Biggest issue that I've experienced at a bank on cop and on civ is server lag. 🤷‍♀️

    2. (See 53 other replies to this status update)

  13. there is a 7.62 suppressor in a bush infront of fed near that shitty hut was dropped there about 4 minutes ago before i combat logged from @ TapTap

  14. Anyone fill out a March madness bracket? Who y’all got? Cinderella teams?

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