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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. devs changing server rules smh my head
  2. I did my part and lost my entire bank account to help make this possible
  3. Pretty sure they took out buying the pilot cov
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      Here in Brazil universities use a system that goes II/MI/MM/MS/SS and since I don't know what the fuck MS would be in numbers I just put down 3. Something.

    3. Drippp


      @sploding shut the fuck up white boy

  4. Dude I love anti air rebel

    1. GregoV1


      Just come in a boat :4head:

  5. send offers
  6. Somebody got coal for Christmas
  7. it can be exploited and if its proven that you are doing it intentionally then yeah. hard to prove tho
  8. You get a promo

    You get a promo

    You get a promo

    You get a promoImage result for oprah gif

    congrats everyone

  9. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/id/NokiaStrong/#sort=order my #1 game is expensive so do #2
  10. so @Ryan you gonna do any Christmas giveaways or was that just to get the promos

    1. -dante-


      Keep saying this man needs to mass buy gang beasts for Olympus. Only gang wars im interested in 

    2. Ryan


      I did 2 giveaways as owner smh

    3. Outcast


      @Ryan whens the Gang beasts wars bruh. eZ win

  11. o7
  12. watch my death screen

  13. o7 @Hylos congrats @main and @b. wagner

  14. Right now, support team pretty much for new players who haven’t figured out how to search for topics on the forums yet. everything that support team members say is something that players can read off the forums.
  15. “I got rdm’d” ”submit a player report” “well I was planing on that already just wanted a second opinion” “No I can’t give my opinion” ”ok thanks i guess” what a helpful support room
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