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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. Less punishment for fights which if its a gang homicide then its someone who wants to fight
  2. So when you get placed behind those bars and get unrestrained due to time you aren’t stuck
  3. Hey everyone, small meeting and not a lot of ideas due to it being the Tuesday after the Super Bowl. Cartels- @Linka @Zurph @Silton Gang garage available on cartel garages Dialogue pops up anytime you receive war points, as a sort of confirmed kill Armed planes can drop smokes Gang homicide charge reduced Feds- @SPBojo @Colt @HyperGoat @Dawn Probable cause from selling gold at gold trader removed Scats- @Mr Majestic @Tyrone @Unjo @Ravin :) House upgrades count towards selling price of houses/same with gangsheds Remove bars in APD small huts Slightly bigger gang garage - +5 Ability to organize vehicles 3rd car shop for Kavala Runs- @Bloodmoon @indian @NokiaStrong Heroin field moved closer to pro- On Hold Gang rank 3 promote and demote rank 1 and demote rank 2 Vigis- @Robinhood @Tyrone @CorNfLower Invis backpacks added to vigi shops When arresting someone it will tell how much in side chat. i.e. Bob was arrested by Jim for $123,000 All ideas are subject to change
  4. https://goo.gl/forms/BP8s75Y11Tzit8f83 quick fill out this to give me runs ideas for the meeting thats active rn

    1. Nurse Lou

      Nurse Lou

      who the fuck let lennie on civ council

  5. Omg @Xeltini from killsquad to mod in a week congrats 

    1. Xeltini


      Thank you sir. My life is turning around. I am achieving greatness. I might just have to vlog it. 

  6. DRamA
  7. Congrats on dep chief bagged milk lover @hawk

    1. hawk


      Maple syrup is also great.. thanks man :) 

  8. U forgot to make Rex a senior admin on the credits when u first log in
  9. Added 4 new Hunter Textures for what tier donators and send pics
  10. Are you over clocking ur gpu?
  11. o7
  12. no can say you don’t deserve it. Congrats @Pledge

  13. O damn o7
  14. But Blackwater got second place with like 7 minute less ?
  15. NokiaStrong


  16. 85
  17. We’d need @codeYeTi
  18. Yes- so it’s not a job and people can have fun
  19. No You can’t sell it you use it too much
  20. It’s already their
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