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Everything posted by NokiaStrong

  1. o7 @Google

    1. HeatedGem


      how much longer of a apd to come to the team speak

    2. NokiaStrong
  2. Nah b if you want 25% more u gotta do it twice it save u the time of grabbing and driving to processer It’s save the time of pulling trucks and grabbing materials
  3. Calls dangus a keyboard warrior for bringing up damn good points. Procceds to write this bs
  4. Literally unplayable. There isn’t even a dab emote

  5. If civs buy turbo then u gonna need it to keep up. Gurarantee if you have played cop for a week you would have lost a suspect
  6. Vehicles do cost something after you have to re turbo and buy new vehicles because they get blown up or you need one for a new wave
  7. Oml I missed the damn civ rep meeting. If only our civ reps didn’t keep us so ill informed 

  8. @Google what time is that for PYT

  9. seriously we need a re-roll on these civ reps. Can’t even tell us when the meeting is. Does anyone know? 

  10. Pretty sure it’s 3
  11. Congrats @DeadPool on your re-election 

    congrats @Google

  12. Batman dies in infinity war

    1. platinumfire


      how dare they kill Loki

    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      Darth Vader dies too

    3. Linka


      2 hours ago, Panera said:

      You mean Black Panther and Spider man? 

      if I didn’t watch it today I would hate you so much, spideys death was sooo fucking sad

  13. If a person gets out of said vehicle can they still get shot?
  14. It’s not rdm it’s fail rp
  15. It’s fail rp as an admin as told me
  16. You made two posts
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