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Everything posted by |Casper|

  1. Page is drunk. Ignore what he has done/said. #HadiForAdmin

    - Page

  2. Get my fucking meme out of ur signature bitch
  3. What a great anti cheat! Cant wait to have 2 bil in my account again
  4. You can someone tell me why my kills are reset like?

  5. Why is my 750 war kills gone may i ask? All of my titels are basically reset. How can yall mess up this bad yikes
  6. Asylum infamy basically?
  7. They are making a anti cheat for the money scripts and the ear rape thing should be fixed by bohemia
  8. Give this guy designer already!
  9. Waiting for plague to push.


  10. 13 is still a pretty fucking good number if u ask me.
  11. thank lord.
  12. Who tf is this @Kyle Lake bitch. I can assure you that the Site that popped up works. Id say you should ban that retard again. that shit was no accident. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. |Casper|



      How much for 1 ticket?

    3. Google


      About 250k Olympus Money.

    4. |Casper|


      Ok. Save me a spot in the bunker! Ill send the money when i can!

  13. Can we get a ETA on Thors unban 


  14. |Casper|

    Sin's stream

  15. |Casper|

    Sin's stream

    Bitch your stream is offline!
  16. @bastro You are joining Teamplayers with me cutie.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Evann
    3. NokiaStrong
    4. |Casper|


      @bastro That is not a question you and Energy and coming ehre with me because i love you too much to play without you. Without you two my heart is not complete!

  17. Because he is dealing with a little stuff irl does not mean he has to retire u dummy. Give the man a fucking break. Ares is a great guy from what i know. It takes time to get used to being a owner.
  18. Give him a break. I heard he was busy with some irl shit.
  19. Bring fucking downvoting back... I have already planned out a downvote attack on  @P a g e #FreeCasper

    I have over 20 accounts ready to go ham!

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      I dont think the downvotes are the problem with that plan...

    2. Page


      fuck u casper I hope u get unpermed then permed again for being a nonce

    3. |Casper|
  20. Yo @Ares Can i like come and talk to you in ts at a set time this weekend? I wanna play this epic server again. Im sorry for whatever i did!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. J O E

      J O E

      Don't even know who he is or what he's done but to simply say Im sorry for whatever i did! Shows that he simply takes no responsibility for whatever he's done, trust me when I say this since I've been unpermed quite a few times

    3. |Casper|


      @J O EFrom my point of view in my ban i did nothing wrong but the admins thought otherwise. I have explained myself and there is simply nothing that conviced them. I cant really do anything else than see their pov and agree that what i did was wrong. I really am sorry for whatever i did to this server or community with some of the shit i posted/did. Since you dont know why im banned or my situation i say you stop talking about it? Have a nice day!

    4. J O E

      J O E

      Ok mate good luck

  21. |Casper|

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