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  1. Will this @Jerrod kid stop spamming the forums when he is meant 2 be in school

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Drippp


      Tbf plague ran sy off the server, nothing new. Cya on arma 4 retards

    3. WALT


      Plague on top

    4. Vcx


      No more sy Zerg nooooooooooo

  2. Slots still open for fed civ council apply now

  3. Think this @Xlax kid has a crush on me 1 likes I’ll confront him 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. monster
    3. Page


      Monster with those comebacks 

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      You got your 1 like.  Confront away ^_^

  4. Plague slowly all getting permed first Jerrod now drip 

  5. o7 fatstro I’ll miss u
  6. Can we get someone 2 clean the cars up on cap please s2

  7. Imagine ddosing us zzzzzz 

    1. vedalkenn


      keep talking shit thumb boy I'm kicking in your door and pouring water on your computer pal

  8. Yes I’ll sell
  9. Will there ever be a clean up script

  10. 423497b50320f03ef03a389df48afd1d.gif

    Plague reported this yikes and then they log after multiple attempts to wipe us 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Evannn


      jerrod's in plague?

      what a joke, wasnt plague good at one point?

    3. Page


      haha evan they was now its called teamplaguers

    4. vedalkenn


      13 minutes ago, swervy said:

      neck yourself cunt you need new cheats your awful

      good one retard, imagine pretending you dont care about getting banned then crying about it 10 minutes later

      chug a bottle of wiper fluid wannabe bad boy

  11. Teamplaguers reporting people on cap haha killing gang life yikes kids are so sad 

    1. JuanDeaged


      Break the rule multiple times and purposefully then when you get banned you complain. Like if your gonna exploit purposely don't be a pussy and take the ban.

    2. Page
    3. Page


      exploiting haha

      he got unbanned

  12. The boy rennn 3^

  13. Congratulations @JuanDeaged

    1. JuanDeaged


      thanks bro. Hopefully I don't get removed playing with u

    2. Page
  14. Just watched my BO3 competitive cod montages. Brings back some memories  

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Linka


      call of duty imo stopped being fun after ghosts, like it wasnt good but it still had a cod vibe. anything after was pretty awful. WW2 and BO4 was pretty fun but it died after the hype

    3. Jerrod


      Nadeshot, H3Ct0R, Censor 😢

  15. I love getting ddosed 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Panda :)
    3. Jerrod


      Same here, I love not having internet to play on, SIKE! Frickin idiot! WHY WOULD YOU LIKE NOT BEING ABLE TO WATCH YOUTUBE KSI GAME! IDOT!

    4. Page
  16. 20d3JVh.jpg

    Thxs all the cops for the donations

    1. DashTonic


      Np  btw the pic looks like crap

    2. Page


      I didn’t take it 

    3. Vcx


      When the apd come on every thread trying to roast someone 

  17. Looking for people on Fed Civ Council apply here: https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/

  18. im gonna kiss u
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