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Everything posted by cHROME.

  1. Cant you look at logs who got most kills, most death and make a stat page from that? @Ryan But yeah, construction worker got this one
  2. MLG ranked with woo old man and dandy boy


  3. halo time with zurph 


  4. I hope everyone has bought halo, 2days left! 

  5. cHROME.


    Gonna miss you buddy!
  6. @Ryan ur a retarded retard, plz give owner to someone who knows what they are doing. Thank you.

    1. cHROME.


      @rapidaax @ChrisGG ofc your downvoting, abusing the shit out of the cops now that you can comeback to wz and have to pay ur not even using ur real loadouts. Go jump of a bridge, and take ryan with you.

  7. clean up script works sooooooooo good... not

    1. NokiaStrong


      What’s wrong with it

    2. Zurph


      Thanks for the frits 

  8. cant wait for v2

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      Hahaha you ok kiddo? You seem a little mad

      maybe BIG mad

    3. JuanDeaged


      yea kiddo im "BIG mad" whatever that means

    4. cHROME.


      @an overweight giant retard go kill yourself. Thank you bye.

  9. who is the rat that banned me

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. sped


      strawberry banana goo

    3. Best Player Okay
    4. Cale


      submit a ban appeal and check their youtube channel out

  10. Nerd, you have to learn to multitask. I have a company. I work. I have a fiance and still able to play games But then, i am the mighty handsome cHROME See you tomorrow
  11. @ me when there is competition 

    Prime | handsome cHROME disconnected 

  12. my name is nomadox and im drunk

    btw i cheat

  13. VR porn is not the same thing.. just putting it out there boys.

    1. GluxDesigns


      Ok I took the bait, tell me more...

  14. Asylum has longer days and shorter nights, so yeah its possible. The rain is annoying and make peoples fps drops, keep night but but make it shorter and remove rain.
  15. get ocolus rift and hang out with me, i just mine this week, it's so much fun!! VRchat is amazing
  16. Thank you our savior, all heil our Peter long!!
  17. FULL servers and not one gang fighting cartels... 

    1. eggmasta


      Seems like you dont need cartel life to be a successful server :hmm:

    2. sped


      im sorry alskling

    3. DABESTeva


      6 hours ago, Eggman said:

      Seems like you dont need cartel life to be a successful server :hmm:

      yea if you want a role playing server xd 

  18. lets fight some


  19. happy new year! im in 2019 in sweden allready, so all you NA kids are talking to the future right here boys.

  20. does anybody know why my game tabs out everytime somebody msg me on steam?

    1. N7Zero


      have u tried putting game to window'd full-screen or full-screen?

      i have this shitty problem when i play BF5 and some nibba launches the game it tabs me out.

    2. cHROME.


      i play at fullscreen, never been a problem, started yesterday :/

    3. Elements


      i play fullscreen windowed and it happens to me

  21. i was here, smells like farts 

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