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Everything posted by Caden

  1. Reminder to all APD officers starting tomorrow 01/7/2024 the APD Christmas break is over and times are required again.


    @APD Officer, @Senior APD Member, @Deputy Chief of Police& @Chief of Police

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      Fuck I have to log back in now

    3. Billeh


      Wait you mean i didnt have to play @ Rexo  you lied to me 😢

    4. Neuro


      Still got a long way till july we chillin.

  2. PSA

    APD officers cannot utilize or carry Machetes. Any officers utilizing or having it in there possession will face administrative and APD disciplinary action.


    @Chief of Police, @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member& @APD Officer

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      cant ban me if i can cut your fingers off pussy this post was sponsored by machete gang 

    3. LULA 2022 - PT 13
    4. CaloomClark


      Whatever a machete is i want one really really bad

  3. Chapter VIII - Searches and Seizures Search Warrants Search warrants allow Sergeants+ to enter the premises to capture suspects and/or contraband. The raid must be announced and must be exercised within 45 minutes of the situation being deemed clear. obtaining probable cause regardless of restart. Chapter XII - Federal Events If 10 or less officers are online during an active Federal Event Deputies/Patrol Officers may utilize lethals when there is 10 or less minutes left on the bomb and when APD is at a disadvantage. https://wiki.olympus-entertainment.com/wiki/APD_Handbook PSA When authorizing lethals APD officers must ensure that it is done proportionality and only when the APD is at a disadvantage such as gear and numbers. Any abuse of the rule against groups that are already outnumbered/disadvantaged will result in APD disciplinary action. @Chief of Police, @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member& @APD Officer
  4. Congrats @ Xlax on SWAT Commander I have high hopes on what you can do for the faction!!!!!

  5. PSA:

    Reminder to all @SWAT Memberany vehicles purchased on SWAT can only be used on SWAT unless you have the required WL on APD. You can not use the vehicles even with permission from someone with the required rank.


    @APD Officer@Senior APD Member@Senior SWAT

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. stayclaxxy


      Guess I'll have to pull out my SWAT Kajman instead.

    3. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Unblacklist me

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I approve of the SWAT Kajman

  6. PSA: Reminder to all APD officers Air Hospital during an active federal Reserve robbery is considered part of the event and you must follow wave rule. 

    Edit - This is strictly in regards to wave rule not engagement. As the Air Hospital is not inside of the rings it is not part of the redzone so APD Officers must ensure that they are engaging civilians at Air Hospital as per the usual means. Eg. code 3, verbal engagement, or APD Officers being fired upon by tagged gang members engaging all APD Officers in the area with the tagged gang. 

    @APD Officer@Senior APD Member

  7. Make a Bug Report.
  8. Caden

    l8r sk8r

  9. It can always be adjusted in the future after we see how it goes.
  10. Happy Birthday Frenchman @ hawk

  11. @ Rafa Your dream did come true!

  12. Congrats French man @ hawk !!!!!

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