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Everything posted by Mr GOAT

  1. What if prior to death you taze/restrain a civ, die, get revived by a medic, and see his friend escorting him away. Would re-engagement be necessary or does it fall under the same lines as lockpicking, per your post?
  2. When I pull up on you in the hawk, just know this is what it should sound like:


    1. HyperGoat
    2. iPopsicle


      You hawk has a rotary engine?

    3. D Ganja

      D Ganja

      All those pipes nailing her tonsils have had some effect

  3. first on screen keyboard montage gets 10k likes

  4. (((not staff)))
  5. Civilians will now receive warpoints for killing Corporals and higher near the Federal Reserve and Blackwater Can the staff member that thought this would be a good idea kindly raise their hand for questioning
  6. Why shouldn't opening a door when you have a bounty, or an illegal weapon, warrant probable cause to search a house? It's no different from a vehicle.
  7. Correct, as it should be. Would make literally 0 sense to give players the ability to put something in their house without a chance of losing it...simply because we “weren’t engaged”. Also, IRL, if a cop saw you putting an *entire tempest device* worth of weed/meth/coke in your house there’d be a lot more than a simple search warrant, bud
  8. In this post: the user attempts to make a reddit-esque post in hopes of gaining back some clout in the community strike 2 buddy next one is back to assylum
  9. One of the only 816 boys I know...mad respect for the boy @Scribble Enjoy the RV trip fam
  10. @Peter Long define "completed"
  11. Remember, @Lucki, you’re probably one of the top (if not THE) reasons he improved. Don’t regret ‘assigning’ him to you.
  12. Funny, you never asked that to @Dante.
  13. Awful alternative, don’t need longer dope time to begin with.
  14. Cops will now have dope timers for 7 minutes to receive dopamine when killed by a civilian and epi-penned. hello???
  15. Common sense approach to a hype level event +1, will be watching for sure.
  16. Yeah, that’s retarded. Holy shit.
  17. @Pledge need to talk to you about a blacklist real quick Definitely @Fat Clemenza for me best Chief wise. His sAPD /w @EatMeth was fucking wild HONORABLE MENTION: @Lucki
  18. This shit wild dawg -lil tortilla
  19. @3 Rip because I’m a big fan
  20. Had our differences, but you did best with what you had. Appreciated the actual thought put behind most decisions. Good luck IRL @Dante
  21. Ez clap, good shit @Pledge

    Overcame many obstacles to get to this point. MANY doubters and haters to get to where you’re at. Congrats, you made it.

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