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Everything posted by iamvaltrix

  1. Sorry i read that wrong. Thought you meant you were still playing your main even through your alt is banned. you still smell like shit though.
  2. Are you a fucking retard?
  3. yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
  4. congrats @TheCmdrRex its about time lol

  5. imagine stealing 235mil from your friends lmao. @Prime Your a fucking rat. Your the type of nigga to snitch on your hommies for a happy meal from McDonalds. Your the type of nigga to sell your moms soul for some crab legs. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Skys


      Yikes everyone will rat for a certain amount of money 

    3. iamvaltrix


      @Google i was not comparing those 2 things. Im just tryna say that hes not a loyal person and hes not to be trusted.

    4. Google


      @iamvaltrix ahh my fault, couldn’t agree more with ya. He’s a rat

  6. #Free @Proud

    #Free @thor

    They felt threatened by an African american male and defended themselves. smh man they didn't do nuffin.

  7. 07 falcon, i wish you the best in life.
  8. Its not a crash lmao. This is done on purpose. Server 3 is generally less popular than server 1 and 2 and at night its dead as fuck. They close it so people cant farm money by doing runs with little risk.
  9. I got into arma a few years ago because of dayZ,all my friends were playing that lol. When i finally got arma 3, i heard the life servers were really fun so i just kinda tried a few diff ones out until i found oly and was happy with it.
  10. happy b-day bojo @Bojo

    i know its a hard life for you being an oppressed African american and all, but im happy you made it another year.


    1. SPBojo


      Cheers bud, whenever your feeling down etc just know that i support you ending it all, do us the favour <3 

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