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Everything posted by 1-800TryHards

  1. yeah good addition I feel animations are still important just adds a cleaner look
  2. @Mako dope animations did you make them ? Or are they already in the game ??
  3. @Mason Harrison happy birthday bud 

    1. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      Thank youu brothaaaa ! 😀

  4. Give me the loot
  5. 07 @i win, the times I played with you and DB were good cya man! 

  6. I would assume the $10 is for the next available slot they have open but I don’t get how the $10 monthly is going to work to be honest.
  7. They’ll have a waiting list I’m sure they’ll do it monthly rotating within the different gangs that paid.
  8. Curious to see how this plays out but seems interesting!
  9. The deputy uniform making deputies look like EU cops lmao
  10. https://gyazo.com/daac563f469585b8512bb06c507369a5 

    SrApd wanted all the smoke lmao

    1. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      And they be gettin it https://gyazo.com/30f7395915ed34656c3e91c5487ecd6f




      Then they blew up the AT for revenge

    2. lvy



  11. Another old meme video enjoy! TB to the DB fed season 🙂 

    1. Civak


      it's true

      I was the blackfish

  12.  Good times ! 

    1. Noahhh!


      This makes me so fucking happy. May the AT Offroad gods be with you at all times. Amen.

  13. any tasers give me a price.
  14. O7 bud @Claysive doing feds and black waters  back in the day with BPM were good days! 

  15. who's selling tazers???

    also armed prowler for sale 5 mil.

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