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Everything posted by Masonn

  1. Can i get some of Yoyo moneys?

  2. Big Joe on top

    1. Vcx


      Go to bed fellow lawler

  3. I respect the effort put into the new cartel but this thing really needs to go. My game freezes for like a second randomly whenever I'm near it and it has too much height advantage for anyone defending along with the big castle part is glitchy to even get up.

    1. swrvy


      drug cartel on church or die

    2. Monks


      +1 I like the effort but I ain't tryna fight at a whole ass castle.

    3. evannnn


      @swervy is speaking facts

  4. the boys are free Jerrod and Gabe
  5. 8 pages of sauce in 3 hours i remember when I first properly started playing the server and after a fed bomb blew the ghosthawk would instantly be guns hot shit was complete cancer. The rules/changes over the last year or so have actually made ghosthawks not complete cancer.
  6. Something what isn't going to make runs take me hours to do to make any sort of money. I've got a idea what I need to look into a tiny bit further which might interest a few people and make some factors more worth it whilst not being too big of a buff. I'm mean not to be a arsehole but do any of these changes make anyone want to do a run? · Add WPL titles and perks for legal items sold (in line with other rebel/vigi titles and perks) @TheHeroNoob Legal Lover - 1k sold - 0% price reduction for WPL gear Pocket Protector - 5k sold - 2.5% price reduction for WPL gear Open Carrier - 15k sold - 5% price reduction for WPL gear Rook Banger - 50k sold - 10% price reduction for WPL gear · Change platinum pro to make it look better / more defendable @TheHeroNoob
  7. Ghosthawk guns hot on medical personnel after bomb blows at Federal Events - clean shots only - potential revisit if abused to kill civs 0 clue why this was added most people just dip after the bomb is blown up either way. Also still no meaningful changes to runs
  8. The kid below me is a sped - @destruct please unban him so he stops telling me about his minecraft adventures. 

  9. Unpopular opinion:

    Runs aren't dead because some people are super rich. runs are dead because they take so long to do and doing them in any vehicle what will actually make you any money you have a high chance of either cops coming or other players coming. 


    Along with the obvious very few people wanna grind the game out for money anymore rich or poor

    Removing betting will not magically fix runs.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vcx


      People haven't been saying that for months if literally there is a post every 5 hours that wants to remove betting 

    3. silver


      I forgot you can't see some of the posts I can see. Regardless, it's been a topic of discussion for a while and I'm hoping that whenever the next Civ Council meeting is then we can make beneficial changes.

    4. Fake Grandma

      Fake Grandma

      Bring a friend, or a gun, or both. Change my mind 

  10. Big Joe on top once again


  11. @Zahzi any chance of getting any conquest times what aren't complete aids for EU?


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lucien
    3. destruct


      Mason for owner

    4. N7Zero


      dud all this time i thought the timezones were EST not GMT.. cuz i saw them like 1am = 6am EU.. nope.

  12. Any reason why putting my redgull key on "0" like it's been for the past year is no longer working?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Masonn



      plz fix sir it's beyond cancer trying to learn to put it on a new key I just keep using the auto run key to activate it 😞

    3. monster


      num 5 best redgull key

    4. Drippp


      Cause they keep adding dumbass animations like the piss one. 

  13. You can see the lines don't line up on the bottom you have to break the line as the way the template it it creates the misalignment. I personally feel like there was too much effort put in here since i feel like these are easy things to spot and correct. When I made my my first hatch design with lines i spent the time working out how to get them to line up when in game other than just on the design
  14. Masonn


    See you in a few days buddy
  15. What if i make the texture myself do i get discount?
  16. Ty, Could also just remove my restrictions aswell
  17. So can I make a request to get conquest money due to my retarded restrictions?
  18. ETA on doing so conquest does shared payouts
  19. So what are the chances of getting a early release boys.

  20. I only approve of houses made of only dirt.
  21. Old teamplayers would of won this without a doubt.
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