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Status Updates posted by 555555555

  1. @ Fefe Aye man u might have to start re-thinking ur life choices pal

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fefe


      Funny how this turned out

    3. 555555555


      @ Fefe get some teeth u disabled mongoloid, good luck ever getting laid

    4. Fefe


      Gl getting "them" back

  2. been in the editing mood a lot lately, maybe do a oly community montage?

    @ Ryan 🤔

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. xsmitherz
    3. Jazzy


      if gonna be edited anything like your past montages lets just scrap it before you start 

    4. 555555555


      @ Jazzy nah those 2 were scraps, lacked motivation ;-; good joke though, haha!

  3. Pussy or Swat Conquest? no joke hands down, lmao.

  4. lowkey, how does one move on? I know there are some older people that surely could say a thing or two, It's been nearly 4 months since my ex-wife took our daughter and left to live with her parents and I still can't sleep at night type shit while she's moved on long ago which is so sad

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Noble


      @ xanx  "fighting" for the kid could go sideways and often does. You cant seem like you are trying to take the kid away from anyway because you will always be bad mouthed behind your back and the kid will get pulled into thinking your trying to selfishly rip them away from their other family. Be supportive make on time payments always offer a hand out and dont get involved with the mom or moms family. Send texts on holidays learn their interests and send them cool stuff you think they would like. I cant stress it enough that if you listen to some above and fight for your kid it could backfire and often does. Unless that is your ex wife will fail at raising the kid in that case fight like hell. be present but not dividing, make sure to really go above and beyond during 15+ years. Parents had a similar situation I was full custody with mother and am still very thankful for what my father has done to support me and am now closer then ever with him. Best of Luck

    3. 555555555


      @ Noble Yeah, the best move would be to stay away from baby mama and her family since, ever since we got together her family disliked me because of my past and because of the fact im nearly fully tattoed, but she's acting the same way now, we're currently in the divorce process and she's already given herself the audacity to block me everywhere and not answer my calls when I want to come and spend some time with the child, so until the court gives me a set hours and days when I get to spend time with the child, there's nothing I can do, so you can already see, the situation is as bad as it can be...

    4. buckie


      got to recover yourself. Use ur kid as motivation, build the future you want for your child, pain is temporary.  

  5. If anyone would wanna buy a tarkov eod acc for super cheap hmu, I upgraded months ago but lost complete interest in the game and it's just sitting there collecting dust for the past couple of months, I'm a league addict, fuck tarkov.

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      2 weeks later:

      If anyone would wanna buy a league acc for super cheap hmu, I upgraded months ago but lost complete interest in the game and it's just sitting there collecting dust for the past couple of months, I'm a cock addict, fuck league.

    2. 555555555


      @ Grandma Gary im challenger u bitchass nigga

  6. happy new year lads, hope u all lose virginity and accomplish something in this year ❤️ best of luck to all of you

  7. MW2 dropped today, if u kids are still gonna 9-5 cop like @ on9 and @ Sevro u got a problem.

  8. Casino always wins

  9. image.png.b72e54b1df006035eea30724f0ac70b4.png

    So a female with this type of KDC on Conquest gets to choose who joins swat? When did olympus go down so much tbh? Truly like, no hate, no shit talk, Im just curious...
    Does being a female on this server mean you get to be and do whatever you want?

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. 555555555


      @ Lucien ure a weirdo and a stalker, asylum reject. 
      also a snitch, your gay club on asylum got me permed for ddosing when I didn't even do it

    3. Lucien


      im not a fucking stalker when you commented that in a gang thread that i was a part of retard

    4. Lea


      @ dysphoric mania Thanks for the offer but I'm not home on the weekends now 🧁🧁

  10. I evaded COVID for more than two and a half years and I finally tested positive. All I had was post nasal drip and a fever. Stock up on masks, at home tests and your favorite cold/flu meds folks.

    1. Iceman


      Ive been allocating 80% of my paycheck into stocking up masks ever since the deadly virus hit. Stay safe everyone 🙏🙏 

    2. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      i worked thrrough the pandemic neever got it until that fateful night i hit a strangers juul i woke up with a mild headache and a stuffy nose it almost killed me after that i only go in public with hazmat suits


    3. 555555555


      I just copy pasted this from nerdy bruh

  11. Who gave this guy corporal lmfao

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dragonnoid
    3. 555555555


      @ SPBojo taking care of the kid and beaming kids at the same time, but yeah, I unistalled yesterday after going from 80mil to 50k in casino

    4. mrs nesbitt
  12. Looks like just as always, on forums, everyone is so smart and has everything to say, but in real-life, they're just cockroaches with no achievments, you people really never cease to amaze me with your stupidity and how retarded you are, but I do get it, a country led by a 90 year-old with dementia can't really have a double-digit IQ citizens, especially ones who spent their whole life on an mil-sim LIFE rpg game

    1. CaloomClark


      can't really have a double-digit IQ citizens
      nice english you fuckwit retard mongy bastard cunt

      Trying to call people stupid in a post with horrible grammar🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

    2. proud


      you have a wife n kids n you cant even type a paragraph right this is just one long sentence.

      bro you, again a grown man with a wife and kids, is pressed on a almost 10 year old russian military simulators forum page... BRO💀

  13. After careful review of your appeal the decision has been made to not remove the ban. 


    Little admin mason is mad, Im AdMiN aNd I LoSt A 170k KiT So I WiLl BaN YoU EvEn ThOuGh CoNqUeSt BaReLy HaS PlAyErS

    @ WALT seriously dude, keep your puppies in check please.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. buckie


      @ xanx ur lucky ur already getting bullied 

    3. CaloomClark


      I wouldn’t even play the server never mind post on forums if i were you

    4. mat the w
  14. I need conquest tips

    I know IM washed and all, but for some reason, I literally feel like people know something I dont..

    For instances, I am blind 24/7 when cap is smoked, sometimes I get lucky and get a name thru the smoke but that's it
    I dont know if there are any settings or anything that will make it slightly easier to see thru smoke or what?

    1. Nephew


      vdm kill everyone

    2. 555555555


      @ Nephew dude the amount of time someone rams the shit out of me and then just shoots me while I'm spangled is funny asf, people will do anything for 4 warpoints I swear

  15. Today she is 3 weeks and 1 day old, really felt this photo is cute and wanted to share it MWZMnHI.jpg

    1. Skeeter McGraw

      Skeeter McGraw

      Congrats man. Kids are totally life changing. But don’t be afraid to do what you think it right. Everyone parents different. 

    2. 555555555


      @ Skeeter McGraw Yeah basically me and my wife do things our way, what we aren't quite sure if we are doing right we usually just google and find out, but majority of stuff is easy, I mean, I thought it'll be hard, but we're also super lucky because she only wakes up once at night, eats and then back to sleep, so yeah, we got hella lucky cuz she lets us sleep

    3. Skeeter McGraw

      Skeeter McGraw

      @ xanx My son was the same way, still is really, Luckily he is 2. Got another one the way, and I already know this one is gonna give me a run for my money. 

  16. @ Mako You're weird jit why you on my dick?

    1. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      Hows your newborn child and your will to not play this game?

    2. Frato


      You're weird for playing arma with a newborn ahaha

  17. Yo any admin thats on rn look at my ticket real quick 

    1. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      What happened to you stopping this server and focusing on your newborn child?

    2. Skys


      go take care of you kid 

  18. Happy birthday to the guy who kept me permed for so long that my wish to play arma completely died! Thank you @ destruct

  19. Ok so despite having a newborn I managed to hit challenger on EU 🙂

    *useless information ikr*

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