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Everything posted by Hunter

  1. 100k for SFA gang shed cords 

  2. Silla won't war N and they are around the same size. My opinion is that the server lock should stay in place I have houses on both servers so I can play on either for all i care
  3. s2 players be crying like take a break it's only till Monday. I personally  like not being on a dead server you troglodytes keep s1 open s2 off on non peak hours 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Monks


      bojo i wasnt being toxic lol im just saying some of you s2 players act like the server just fucking HATES you and doesnt give a FUCK about you even tho ryan literally said s2 was his main server. Not specifically u tho ig

    3. Hunter


      @Monks Ryan has to log in to have a main server ^_^

    4. SPBojo


      @Monks I fully get your point and agree, some people are full mental breakdown mode over it, only reason im very much against it is simply because i'm now restricted to the point where i have to pull an all nighter to play on the Olympus server i've played on since launch, being forced to play on S1 when ALL my assets are on S2 is no bueno for me and many others, even temporarily, and yes, you have the argument of "bruh its only 5 days" but you know dam well that this is just the start, considering how loudly people have been crying for one of the servers to be locked the odds that this is just a temp thing for 5 days is something i REALLY doubt.

      All in all, should a server be locked? Yes. Do i agree it should be S2? No. Will i stay up all night crying over it? No.

  4. I wonder why oh your rolling 10+ deep at a time with several corps and SAPD online -_- nobody want's to fight that
  5. An APD chief that does not try to buff cops to high hell
    1. Noahhh!


      Zahzi is actually the one who forces them to eat adderall like candy and neglect their families.

  6. Remove lethal injectors makes it so nobody will take any BW gear out because they would just get lethal injected shit's retarded 

    1. Cooper:P


      i meannnn shit i be roaming with my 7.62 supp with Tier 5 and shit and i havnt had any problems yet just dont die pretty simple ❤️ 🙂

    2. eknjack
    3. Cooper:P


      u sure bout all that @eknjack

  7. @anti might want to lower these hours jesus this is in one week  https://gyazo.com/99708a13ed1b8a1087222d7caafc0603

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      How do you not if you're straight?

    3. Monks


      She grinding for that civ corporal 🔥🔥

    4. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      I just work my way up through stuff by having a charming wonderful personality that is better than every one else's.  


  8. How to you think your going to get engaged run into casino and sit on the gamble screen and wait till 5 mins are up and they shoot you without engaging again and rdm ban nice
  9. So i could just sit in the roulette screen and not die/taze that's broken af
  10. When you get another vigi's T5 ripped by having Noble hand them off to cop's with a war kill. PogChamp | Internet meme Wiki | Fandom

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skys


      Omg you know the cop No way plz leak

    3. Fuzz^


      i'd have done it 

      fuck vigis

    4. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      I'll rip a vigi for looking at me sideways if I can. Get a cop whitelist or get ripped.

  11. Armed plane .50 cal script so i can practice?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. DashTonic
    3. silver


      just update the script according to the wiki i posted. not hard. and yes that’s the wrong weapon script if the gun is 50 cal

    4. DashTonic


      i know just having fun only got to change is the name in the "" and you good

    1. Slav


      You’re supposed to be social distancing. So I see no problem with this.


      Olympus is doing a good job at defeating the pandemic.

  12. @Winters Does SAPD need to be online when PC is gained to search a house or no?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Monks


      Yes a Sgt+ needs to be on when the pc is obtained

    3. CaloomClark


      @Monks eta on you raid powers?

    4. Monks


      Lmao i dont really care about getting sergeant. I mean yeah it would be cool and ill definitely accept it if they gave it to me, but i wont be butthurt if i never get it lol

  13. zzz Snap chat the Chief ask to bypass handbook = stonks Chapter XVIII - Executive Decision At any point, the Chief of Police may supersede the APD handbook. A civilian in the situation must be notified.
  14. Can we get the kill confirmation like in gang wars for base Olympus? 

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