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Everything posted by WALT

  1. where's the gang wars stats page???

    1. Ryan


      Will likely post it tomorrow

  2. nigga caught lacking


    1. vedalkenn


      what a guy cheating is bad 

    2. Masonn


      Welp now you know why I wasn't on last night

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to all of you sweaty gamers!

  4. I would never prioritize video games over a social life. At this point in many of our young lives it's important to go out make friends and meet new people. I regret spending much of my high school timeline playing video games and I personally feel like I missed out on many social activities and interactions. Although since I moved to college I stopped playing video games and it has completely benefited my life for the better. I'm now utilizing this extra time in my life to socialize with others and now I always have some sort of activity to do. Also think of it this way in our young lives 18-26, us and woman are in there primetime. Bitches will never be as hot as they are now. Go out there and get yourself a hot asss woman or man, Because we only get this experience once! Good luck
  5. So I'm curious as to why @Panda :) is giving out my personal information?  

    1. Show previous comments  59 more
    2. Ryan


      Also im locking this status update because I dont want to get ass plastered with notifications since we all know this will keep going. If yall want to @ eachother go for it in a new status update thanks 🙂 

    3. rapidaax


      😎 Hello, this is the owners dog.. This status update is now closed. 🐶

  6. #FreeJerrod

    1. Vcx


      If the legend Walt says it goes!

  7. @Mason Statham Congrats! Love you brother

    1. Masonn


      Thank you man looking to make big things happen!

  8. https://steamcommunity.com/id/bigmanwalt/
  9. Happy Birthday Brother! @Jerrod

    1. Jerrod


      thank you scripter walt

  10. I personally like this bracket should be interesting to say the least
  11. It's hitting the Carolinas now, I'm absolutely fucked
  12. Imagine being an Indianapolis Colts fan...

  13. That's my boy Deli! The Weirdo Gang is in town. Recruiting all 190 iq gamers in Kavala
  14. WALT


    Goodluck man! Glad to see our talk meant something.
  15. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198131355339
  16. WALT

    wtb wp

    Sir the rates nowadays for war points are around 15k per wp
  17. Tanna or you can even choose Alaska as the name.
  18. Hey Johnny, welcome back and you report rdm in the support section of the forums. Click the dial and go to player report and fill out the extra info. Here is a link to the support section: https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/
  19. offer on s2 airshop/drug runner 1 40k
  20. Happy Birthday @Proud

    1. proud


      thanks bro <<33

  21. WALT


    r i p o7 buddy
  22. @buckie happy birthday brother! Hope you have a great day and let your hormonal rage continue on through your 18th year!

    1. buckie


      you too my guy

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