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Everything posted by Monks

  1. Looks like kavala, in that case its 636% silla's.
  2. old ass @Grandma Gary god go outside lol

    jokes aside have a good bday man ❤️

    Also hbd jesus lover @Jerrod 

  3. u should see @Linka's hours lmao
  4. Ngl after reading this I feel like this is just gonna completely ruin the point of the game. Not meant to be competitive it's just meant to have fun with friends, like uno. Ion think I'm gonna go lol
  5. Pro detectives Monks and @CocoisDead are on the case.
  6. Noble is the best gang ever and you should all join them! Apes on top! 

    help @Noahhh! has me hostage

  7. Monks

    new member

    Leave... while you stil can.
  8. If you guys have some free time i recommend checking this free indie game out on steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1116960/UNDEFEATED/ 
    its just a sandbox super hero game made by 3 college students for a school project. It only takes about 30 mins to beat but i enjoyed it for about an hour. Also its only 2 gb so it should only take a couple mins to download. Also hmu if you want in on some of the cool easter eggs in the game 🙂 

  9. Congrats 4th time senior @Panda :) 

  10. Congrats @Jig its official [OS-Medic] dr.jigothy is a go

  11. PC but since that's not an option the 360 will always be king
  12. Reapply thermal paste and get a new cooler.
  13. Ion know anything about politics so ima just keep my mouth shut
  14. @Venomm has some really good content guys i think you should check it out! 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I guess we could post squeaker videos on you Monks but that would be literally everything you are in l0l

    3. Monks


      already on the internet @ twitch.tv/omegamonks @Grandma Gary 😄

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Back by popular demand!

  15. ofc the apd section is the best part of the roundtable
  16. Congrats @Millennium maybe you can get civ council out of the hole it's in lmao


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