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Everything posted by BENJI

  1. "Wait we can charge medics for aiding in a blackwater now" - Hawk

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. batGooseCan


      wouldn't be surprised


    3. Savage


      I'll buy it for a solid price of $1000

    4. Theory


      I'm selling 14 DMS scopes for 4 mill a piece. 

  3. @Airborne
  4. Selling a DMS, PM me offers if you’re interested

  5. Im pretty sure content count determines your rank
  6. o7 @Fusah I <3 you babe :(

  7. Hola
  8. Mcdili you’re smokin some dick
  9. Certain ideas just shouldnt be mentioned or discussed on the forums. Cause 99% of the time when a disliked idea or concept comes about, everybody will come to shit on it. And most of the time nothing gets done.
  10. Taser's have the same range as they would if it was lethal. 400 meters is not a far distance for a weapon to be firing from, especially in arma. If a mk1 can shoot at ranges above 1km why can't my mx shoot from 400 meters? Thinking a weapon is op because it can shoot from 400 meters is nonsense. It's a rifle for crying out loud
  11. What??? Can you elaborate??
  12. 1. Lethal money was capped at 200k instead of 600k, and our revenue from sending someone to jail or paying their ticket was reduced by %10. 2. At peak times all 3 servers are often full 3. 6 servers costs a lot of money brutha.
  13. Theres things called cars and heli’s. And as @Unjo said, its your fault if you cant get away from a bunch of deps, pos, and sometimes a corp or few
  14. We have the 30 second timer and however long it takes to pull out a car and drive back to the location. And obviously depending on the location that time can differ. If it literally takes us 50 seconds to come back that’s your fault being so close to an HQ.
  15. The time stamp feature should just show the amount of mins until reset, just to make it more simple. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BENJI


      Earlier when I used it, it was 149 mins til restart. The time stamp said -305 mins or some shit

    3. Panda :)

      Panda :)

      It usually does must have bugged out on you.

    4. PoptartRex


      Yeah it sometimes can be off by a bit, but it is generally on the money.

  16. You’re deadass bout to loss 2 mill
  17. Happy bday @ikiled!!! :P

    1. ikiled


      :wub: Thank you buddy. 

      Bipod gang will live on soonTM?

    2. Airborne
  18. Happy birthday @Lucki !

  19. Selling a DMS, send me a pm with an offer if you’re interested.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. maxg


      3 Sr APD Bipods

    3. Ryan
    4. DeadPool


      1 hour ago, Ryan said:

      1 Shekel

      2 shekels @TheCmdrRex‘s photo hehe

  20. I guess you're aswell. It's not hard to prove your age, you literally have to find any type of ID with your DOB, then literally take a black box and cover all the personal info you don't want to share. If you don't wanna do that then don't make a post about it on the forums. It's not gonna get you anywhere
  21. The current name system definitely has some flaws that should be changed. I shouldn't have to keep my rangefinders on an orca going 300km/h for 3 seconds to get a name
  22. Happy birthday to the absolute unit @Airborne !!!

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