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Status Replies posted by BillyBobJoe

  1. Should I buy escape from tarkov? Is it worth playing so long after release and wipe and shit

    1. BillyBobJoe


      wipe just happened a week or 2 ago so its not that bad. 


    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)


    1. BillyBobJoe


      From a former zerg gang to another, APE STRONG TOGETHER 


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. Soooooooo uhhhhhhh, can we purge half the staff?

    especially the ones that don't even play the server.

  4. Soooooooo uhhhhhhh, can we purge half the staff?

    especially the ones that don't even play the server.

  5. who won GW

    1. BillyBobJoe


      yeah the team that lost in the finals lost on there own pick KEKW.png

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. bf0113f2566168f483f57d0c827f7a5a.png

    This next video is gonna be something I haven't done before, but I'm actually so excited to finish and publish it.

    @Jig @i chop hatchbacks @SuWooP

  7. bf0113f2566168f483f57d0c827f7a5a.png

    This next video is gonna be something I haven't done before, but I'm actually so excited to finish and publish it.

    @Jig @i chop hatchbacks @SuWooP

    1. BillyBobJoe


      do a video with all the big betters that lost there all there money, birb, kyle finley etc. except yayo man he got permed 


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. Anyone know how to fix this? randomly my computer will freeze up then I will hear a disconnect noise but nothing is being connected/disconnected. I've tried reverting windows update, disabling onboard graphics, unplugging everything besides my main monitor, repairing my disk & memory but to no avail. I've maybe spent 5-6 hours reading shit on how to fix it but nothing helps.

    5m to anyone that can fix the issue.

  9. Leaked footage of me running to grab some choccy milk whilst processing the holy shine.tenor.gif?itemid=11409190

  10. tfw so many of you been clicking the ads google thought we were botting it so they paused them until they investigate... SMH 🤦🏼‍♂️

    Thanks I guess lol

    1. BillyBobJoe


      sorry refreshed a bunch cuz one of the Game of Thrones Gamer Character has Massive Bobs 


    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  11. Oh how i love admins calling me a retard while im trying to report a corrupt admin for banning me for two weeks 😞 apparently im acting tough with  all my questions on why im  banned from salty admins with two week old evidence....

    this is my 3rd staff report to Chris GG and he keeps answering himself and not letting me talk to any other admins about his reckless behaviour - Olympus Entertainment - Mozilla Firefox 2020-06-19 12_37_00 PM (2).png

  12. anyone wanna play sea of thieves just got it and need a crew

  13. a6b2d328590b2e2ddaed5c31aac2e8f3.png

    Whats happening here

    1. BillyBobJoe


      moderator Rossco wouldn't let this happen 

  14. if you had 1 bil on  the server, how would you spend it? 

  15. this is extremely out of character of my normal meme-y posts. but if you think you could have depression, anxiety, ADHD, or any other mental issue. I really recommend getting help. I know it's WAY easier said than done, but since I was diagnosed with depression and was put on medicine, I'm much closer with my family and friends, and I even saved my relationship. I'm still going through testing to be prescribed medicine for ADHD, and I am working every day to get better mentally. Mental health is as important as physical health, and if anyone ever needs to someone to talk to privately I can always hop into TS. 🙂

    1. BillyBobJoe


      im i the only one with A.D.D that's struggling with life? 


    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  16. Does anyone agree with the abolishing police movement? If so, why? From what I’ve read instead of law enforcement it’s “if someone kills someone, let’s go over why they did it and help them :)” type of thing, which there isn’t ALWAYS a reason people do the things they do. It just sounds like the purge waiting to happen. 

    1. BillyBobJoe


      The world as we know it is slowly turning into altis life

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  17. I'm literally cheating would have never even checked the wallet if @rabid never made the joke about it being in there


  18. I have always been playing with borrowed time. Bound to happen eventually 🙂. Not gonna put up a whole post that's tacky af and I'm kinda irrelevant but o7 to the real ones.

  19. it really do be your own homies sometimes 

    1. BillyBobJoe


      @CocoisDead file corrupted 😕. Secret Told me he really didn't snitch he was on cop when it happened, it was just a really bad sequence of coincidences  


    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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