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Status Replies posted by Trumper

  1. On this day a year ago I lost my best friend to Type 1 Diabetes. Someone who was basically my brother. It was the worst change i have ever had to deal with in my life. A change i would never wish upon my worst enemy. My advice to everyone in this community is this. Live and enjoy every moment of your life with your family and Friends. Keep your loved ones close. Be true and real to them and yourself. Because there will come a time where they might not be there. And you will be left with unanswered questions in your mind. Life is entirely to short. Enjoy every minute of it. 

    1. Trumper


      I lost my pop a year ago today as well. It gets easier with time man, I hope you're doing well

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  2. I'll finally be back fully on 27th! Finally set up in new house n awaiting delivery of my router :) 

  3. Some people just need a good ass whoopin. Whether it's by their parents or by random people, an ass whoopin really humbles you.

    1. Trumper


      yea i need a real good ass whooping. who's tryna give it to me? 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  4. sometimes i just feel like a kid in this community, always having to be babysat :(. 

  5. Anyone watching the Royal Rumble tonight?

  6. The font not the person


  7. 506583d6e0b688a7678d82f605576a57.png

    Still can't send messages. Any help would be great....

    @Tman15tmb @Peter Long @Dezree @Doc @Bubbaloo Burrito @Ares@Poseidon @McDili


    1. Trumper


      @Sociopathic i'll pass bruh, just remember no ones gives a fuck if you can't message anyone

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  8. 506583d6e0b688a7678d82f605576a57.png

    Still can't send messages. Any help would be great....

    @Tman15tmb @Peter Long @Dezree @Doc @Bubbaloo Burrito @Ares@Poseidon @McDili


    1. Trumper


      @Sociopathic how bout you message them on ts rather than making a stupid fucking post every couple of days about it. 

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

    1. Trumper


      1 hour ago, SystemChips said:

      i dont get it

      Altis is based off an island located near Greece. The island is called "Lemnos". 

      He is showing Kavala actually isn't on the island, its located next to it. 

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. Another sAPD steps down? 

    Looks to me like MCPD forced him to step down. Typical. 


  10. 0ea937d932fb648c56add3a263eeb42c.png @Poseidon can you wipe these two retards money so its off the leader board considering they duped

  11. Whoever took the time to find my password you are really cool man 

    just wanted to let u know that man

    1. Trumper


      Did someone guess your fucking password? Lmfao, some people need more time on their hands lmao

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  12. Daily Mood Booster:


    Everyone here is beautiful. Enjoy the rest of your days :)

  13. 9ada092dfe80011f4ea5f61a59dc993e.png

    3 days. Not bad

    1. Trumper


      I guess you don't understand the phrase...? 

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Found the issue with map objects/npcs not showing on altis life, fix coming shortly.

    1. Trumper


      Can confirm, Skins are still crashing our game. A medic ghosthawk started spooling and both me and Bobby crashed simultaneously.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  15. There seems to be an issue with APD skins. In particular the APD Orca on Tanoa. Me and a few others are crashing when they start to spool. Its not just a one time thing either, it seems to be consistent so i am not sure whats happening. 

    1. Trumper


      Textures can make your game crash, it happens on exile all the time. 

      I don't know if its just the Texture on its own thats making my game crash, but there is a consistent crashing when I am around the APD Orca on Tanoa 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. There seems to be an issue with APD skins. In particular the APD Orca on Tanoa. Me and a few others are crashing when they start to spool. Its not just a one time thing either, it seems to be consistent so i am not sure whats happening. 

  17. @Trumper You lucky.

    1. Trumper


      Just now, Poseidon said:

      yo check out quoting in status updates, pretty neat amirite

      I noticed that bud

    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

  18. @Trumper You lucky.

    1. Trumper


      @Willski ah yes the man himself. 

      Not riding your dick Ninja "aight".

      Dustin, you're a mong.

    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

  19. @Trumper You lucky.

    1. Trumper


      Im washed up? Lmfao Dustin you need to be good at some point to be "Washed up". And for that "Relevant" comment, I guess being known for literally being the Olympus forum warrior is a good thing? 

      Were you lining up drug deals for your hardcore buds in that 6 months? 

      Fuck off, you weird, anti-social, dick riding fuck. 

    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

  20. @Trumper You lucky.

    1. Trumper


      Whats rusty going to say? As far as I am concerned, I have no problem with rusty. This really has nothing to do with him. 

    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

  21. @Trumper You lucky.

    1. Trumper


      How did it feel getting shot in the back by a home school'd ginger that sells ecstasy on the side? Felt pretty good. Do you bitch about your Dad in TI teamspeak too?  

    2. (See 39 other replies to this status update)

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