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Peter Long

Peter Long
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Everything posted by Peter Long

  1. Considering the massive amount of drama and craziness that has been on the forums and in game lately, I thought that I would take a minute to give you guys some positives that have been happening in and around the community. Player population is up, and we are doing a great job as a community. Some people might state that we used to have 3 servers maxed out at peak times, however I would like to hit you guys with some math. Back in 2014 and early 2015, we had three altis life servers. These servers were maxed out during peak times, at 75 players each. Now, 3x75 is 225 players. Right now we have 2 servers, maxed out at peak times with 111 each. 2x111 is 222 (thanks Dili for pointing this out earlier today, it put a bunch of stuff in perspective.) This might look similar, but we have some pretty significant differences that people might not realize. In comparison to the past, our APD is almost twice the size as it was before, with more active members than we have EVER had, both in the lower ranks and sAPD. The R&R is bigger than ever before, with more senior members and active players as well. We have a Support Team in our community which is helping facilitate members of the community who need help, explain rules and concepts to new members of the community, and helps the Staff. In addition, our Staff is larger than it has ever been, and is full of members who play the game daily, not just administrate it. Not only is the Staff the largest it has ever been, but it is the most organized, with ban structures put in place, meetings to promote communication, and has members from many prominent gangs (both current and in the past) with different backgrounds to help make Olympus great. The Development team is also the biggest it has been, with the Three Stooges as developers fixing bugs and implementing new features, and FOUR designers who make map updates, texture updates, and design the framework for what makes Olympus great. Bottom line is this guys/gals : I hear “Make Olympus Great Again” all the time, but I think Olympus is the Greatest it has EVER been. Most of that is because of you! Loyal players, new friends, old gangs, and dedicated people are what built this community, and what will let this community continue (imo) to be the best damn gaming community out there. You all might be retards, but you are the best retards I know. Thanks for making Olympus my home away from home, - Pete
  2. OK. I think the staff gets it. I'm going to lock this until I merge it with the rest of the tazer posts. We are saying the same thing over and over. No need for 30 posts on the same topic.
  3. In a fight between @G.O.A.T. and @TheRandomOne . . . . I pick me. Nobody can throw down wood like me. Cut the shit.
  4. Jesus H Christ. What have all of you turned into?
  5. .......


    In other news Logan was great. 

    1. Fedot


      i was told it was shit

    2. DABESTeva


      That movie was dope af 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. TheRealKyle


      28 minutes ago, Ventar said:

      This video right here is the prime example of why the after-patch ghost hawk is far too strong.

      wait but the patch only changed the main rotor? this same shit couldve happened before xd

    3. Orgondo



    4. Rusty


      ngl that was sick lad 

  6. It messes with synching, texting, and normal rp. Also it was being abused, if someone says hands up or die by Peachfuckers Bob and then you get tapped by %=) %=+) ($&==%:¡ Bob,) %'/'+$/&/$4'- it ruins a bit of RP.
  7. Im going to lock this post. You made it with the intention of singling out a member of the community, one who followed the APD handbook to the letter. You recieved the answer to your initial question, and now the rest is breeding salt and shitposting. Also nice shot Luke.
  8. I am working in building a new cartel right now that will replace the castle one. It sucks because the castle is in the perfect spot. Any changes I make from a design standpoint will have minimal impact when it comes to balance there, so for that reason I'll move it. As for the big tower, I'll ask the community in a poll. Other than the tower, is the salt flat cartel fun to fight?
  9. I'm not endorsing Tanoa, but in regards to a third server, let's see where we are at this summer.
  10. Is the big tower too op for the surrounding area? Too laggy ? Not enough cover to push?
  11. Hey all, Now that the new Cartels are in (mostly) I want you nerds there fighting. Flesh them out fully, hit them with every strategy both on defense and offense. Once you think you have a grasp on them, please leave some feedback below. I would like hear a bit of feedback in regards to tweaks that could be made to better improve the cartel experience FROM A DESIGN Standpoint. Serious feedback only, trolls will be permanently moderated, reported, banned, and have their accounts wiped. Go!
  12. I hope everyone is ready for a Peter Long weekend! I just closed on my house,  I have 48 beers,  and the PC is set up! T minus 3 hours till a fun weekend!! 

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Tman15tmb


      48 beers, and assuming Peter is a light weight I would say that for every 4 beers Peter drinks he will break a rule. So if my math is correct that means he will break 12 rules if he drinks all 48 beers. If he doesn't die of alcohol poisoning..

    3. iPopsicle


      @Tman15tmb If you are so good at math, then what does 12 units of time equal?

    4. Tman15tmb


      12 days, 12 weeks, 12 months, 12 years

      Depends how motivated Poseidon and the rest of the Dev's feel.

  13. Bruh
  14. Fuck you @McDili. Thought my phone was going to burn up in my hand. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Danger
    3. Pledge


      2 hours ago, Danger said:


      Who knew @Tman15tmb was so feminine looking?

    4. Danger


      I think we all knew it... @Pledge

  15. yup
  16. Old Warzone rebel will be added back. Finished it this morning.
  17. Podcast tonight! 8pm est,  twitch.tv/sirpeterlong

    1. JoeL


      Just added money to my paypal. Prepare 

  18. 11 RDMs in 1 day.  Back for more tomorrow! 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. silton


      technically its not rdm you're already engaged. as the goal said :) 

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      @Peter Long was just outsmarted by @Silton

      your move Peter.

    4. Sociopathic


      Perm him and moderate him Peter

  19. Bring it on.  T minus 10 hours and 19 minutes. 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sociopathic
    3. Dangus


      Yeah... ik... imagine Peters bounty after day 1. It'll be hugggggeeeeeee.....


      peter will probably just roll around in a strider or hunter or something.

    4. iPopsicle


      I want to pit maneuver you with my jet.

  20. If you missed the podcast, check out the official blog! It has been uploaded for your pleasure. Sorry about it being shit, I blame @Goodman

    1. Orgondo


      Farming on Rust + Podcast = Not a complete shitty time. +1 to Cartels, few things i'd throw my opinion on. Life Alert seems like a funny/decent idea. +1000 if 3 Frame actually gets fixed.

    2. ferg


      +100 on Denial becoming Senior Admin and portable big towers

  21. Due to some circumstances that cannot be avoided, the podcast will be cancelled until tomorrow. More details to follow, however it will be at 8pm est. Topics will remain the same. 

  22. Fuck this. I can't stop playing. I'm quitting my job to become a full time slither champion.
  23. Goodman will be with me tonight on the podcast. I can always have a revolving door of staff/senior members to do it with. That's actually a good idea, a featured co-host for the podcast each time.
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