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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. Anyone got good chill car ride songs? I guess you could consider it 'house' music. Idk help. SOS

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. HyperGoat


      Petit Biscuit has many chill car ride songs, try Night Trouble

    3. drama


      @Ignis i made one just for you. put that bitch on shuffle youll be good for 4 hours


    4. N7Zero
  2. The least these greasy fucks deserve https://i.gyazo.com/59dbdb8798c996b16db2be52ad1f27d5.mp4 @PURE P.K You suck
  3. lol
  4. How many times do you have to post this retarded ban?
  5. Mercury is slowly destroying cop life. He has his "people" revive these murderers. Like WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK MAN. like pig life is honestly dead at this point.


    1. Pinkstreak


      Wow!! His people?? Rude </3

    2. Millennium


      at least all we have to do is press windows key to revive people!

  6. 42nd time's the chard @DeadPooL

    1. Mr. Bond

      Mr. Bond

      does it cost if i wasnt the vigi and i was the reble that stole his gear?

    2. Bloodmoon


      card? shard? charizard? car? charred? 

  7. Bon Chance, mon ami!

    1. Kyle Lake

      Kyle Lake

      Wow. That is some special luck!

  8. @a overweight giant retard
  9. Bad Luck, Kyle

    1. Kyle Lake

      Kyle Lake

      Thank you for the kindness!

  10. Aids
  11. As I feel every four years, I cannot wait for the election commercials to end. Now the same goes here with civ rep. Jesus Murphy. 


  13. Can confirm this is fucking hilarious. There are no guidelines for compensation btw. #fuckdoc
  14. If I had a nickel for every time I saw homicides stream on the status updates...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Orgondo


      Shit if you had only a nickel everytime he posted, you'd still be richer than his ass.

    3. KrispyK


      man maybe you should bring back stream support and you and deadpool wouldnt have to complain

    4. iPopsicle


      @Bahamut maybe it was taken down because it was shitting on our web server performance wise. Or we just took it down just for fun. Who knows

  15. hi
  16. Buddy joined your channel.

  17. JOIN US IN MALDEN @ 11:30pm EST

  18. Please remember the proper way to submit bugs: https://tracker.olympus-entertainment.com
  19. Malden County Sherriffs Department. You're all baboons. You can be a medic and a cop at the same time. Medic and staff at the same time. You can also be gay and wear a red t-shirt. If they can do both let them.
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