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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. Get your drivers license and take your bitch to a dairy queen. Bitches love dairy queen
  2. Pfft. Showoff.
  3. What if I told you.... @Pledge is Billy Russo. Could you do me a favor and take care of him for me?
  4. image.png

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bloodmoon


      47 minutes ago, hawk said:

      New life control?

      In-depth personal stats prolly

    3. DashTonic


      The whole thing is really nice lookin

  5. Yes pls make this an emoji whoevers in charge of that Yeah I saved it will be added soon TM
  6. @Kyle Lake
  7. Anyone have ideas for reactions and if so which one they should replace? Just curious to see what y'all have for ideas...

  8. Thank you all for the berfday wishes I am big boy now with big brain unlike small brain Olympus

  9. o7 overlord of Olympus
  10. Now time to wait for the @Fat Clemenza reply

  12. Love you man if you ever need anything let me know. Made a fucking new reaction emote to react this post with BTW @Dante
  13. Yo bro don't check my ban appeal I just want you to have a nice day :wub:

  14. World hunger is a myth because I ate breakfast this morning

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Strae


      Im eating a burger rn, im good

    3. iPopsicle


      See? it's a myth

    4. N7Zero


      Image result for anorexic kid memethen explain this.. cuz all i see is bones in a bag.

  15. Oh shit it all makes sense now
  16. I started playing the game at 720p and now 1440p and since then I've used default FOV I don't understand the point in changing it tbh
  17. Exactly. Ironically, when I was on the administration team it was pretty much a job for me and I acted like it, but leaving that scene really opened my eyes. There's a lot that hold some position of significance need to understand that we're here to play a game and have fun. Shit like @CommanderSuki practically doxxing people to make sure they're 16 so they can press windows key is absolutely retarded. Unless Suki thinks doing virtual paperwork and almost never playing is considered fun idek what he's thinking... If people want to help out the server becoming staff good, that's great. BUT, they shouldn't take away one of the most enjoyable aspects of the game away from them. And if their judgement or actions can't be trusted just remove them.
  18. The hair is the crucial part, but the part we should be worrying about is that there is no veins...
  19. She's a bitch http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/261145-31-perform-steps-posting-post-boot-video-problems Go through this just to be safe
  20. Nope... lmao
  21. PSA Our automated email system will be down until @Peter Long sees this or my snap message and pays the bill

    1. BananaHammock


      Like the emails we would get if someone replies to a support ticket, or PM's us?

    2. falcon
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