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sleazy turd racoon

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Everything posted by sleazy turd racoon

  1. @Tman15tmb

    hey send me a msg when you can. need to ask you a few things

    1. -dante-


      He cant access the forums. I dont think he will see this :P

    2. sleazy turd racoon
    3. Dangus


      Long story short, I'm pretty sure he got permanently moderated and has probably left by now.

  2. currently on the way to the hospital to find out if i have diabetes yet
  3. Can someone tell me why "Goat" looks like hes 15
  4. this is fucking legendary. guess whats in my bag?
  5. hur mycket kostar det Bojo? jag kan köpa 1 for 100k
  6. 3 reasons why you didn't or ever will get corp 1. you don't care about cop 2. you don't care about cop 3. you don't care about cop if you want to be corp then rp well and dont be a toxic fuck
  7. Looking for someone who knows shit about video editing


    1. HyperGoat
    2. JAMIE


      this is the number 1 question asked on here, we should have a study night on this for those who can teach.

  8. This includes when the Ghosthawk is presented with a clear threat (Example: civilian with a titan that has engaged the Ghosthawk via text). Rip
  9. I would like to see pilot coveralls added back
  10. These arma Phisix man

    1. Savage


      I think that orca just sneezed very hard

    2. RubberDuck


      Words can’t simply describe how gracefully that orca swam through the never ending skies, RIP orca, fly high.

  11. just dont be a dick head and use mar 10 its roach material
  12. It's a cheaper option for the suicide vest
  13. Bitch. You have the best gun on olympus and yet you are complaining... ffs even when people get dope shit they always want more. Go fuck your self m8
  14. DB is the best gang on the server for scatting
  15. Asylum vs Olympus lets go
  16. This. I have to see.
  17. Rip Olympus. Moob your a good man. Servers would not be what they are without You.ive always says they day you leave apart of Olympus will 2. Sad to see you go.
  18. is it possible to fix the problem with embeded videos for reports its not a big deal really. @Poseidon

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      Ticket #33713'

      with embeded video doesnt work 

    3. Talindor


      It works for @Poseidon because he's Poseidon.

      It appears that it does not work even for staff so when you place a video, scroll down to get the option to post link instead.

    4. sleazy turd racoon
  19. Speedtest.net and tell me what you get Are you downloading anything
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