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sleazy turd racoon

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Everything posted by sleazy turd racoon

  1. everytime a specif group claims the airdrop server gets dosed

  2. So, I have heard several times that the RCO is broken since years back when.

    is it?

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      If you use anything but the MRCO you are trash.

    2. Brandyn


      ACO best scope.

    3. notsodank


      I'm a promet modular sight enjoyer

  3. Just landed in Athens.

    First thing I am doing is going to Kavala


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SPBojo


      Hope u get hands up or died, prick

    3. jig


      Yeah your gonna need a long ass boat ride to get there or another plane

    4. sleazy turd racoon
  4. fuck off

    1. Venomm


      drink cement retard

      inhale gas retard

      step on glass retard

    2. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      I forgot about that name!

  5. Norwegian scum
  6. @RyanI need that retired gamer tag
  7. Ask @Zahzifor gangfunds hoe
  8. Rogue here! I have been playing since 2014 and it's been a long journey for me. I have had many good times and some really enjoyable experiences with this community But things can't always stay the same and many things have changed. I no longer enjoy playing this game, I guess that comes from playing nearly 7 years. I wish the future of Olympians the best.
  9. anyone good with video-music editing

    msg me

  10. I can restart my pc faster than i can load the fucking garage 

    1. Rafa


      Put an SSD in ur garage 

  11. https://olympus-entertainment.com/3rip

    Why was this removed?

    This sum bullshit

    @3 Rip

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I think the actual video was either removed or privated so the link jet led to a page with a video that wasn't there =(

    2. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      That's 😥

      That was a true olympus entertainment 

  12. this @Zahzi retard eats plain baguette like its fucking steak
  13. Good i fucking hate my countries language 

    Like look at this



    Fuxkibg shit language 

    Can't even type xörrwxtly 


    1. Tech


      ever considered you're just retarded

      3 year olds can do the letters

  14. Gangs should be active starting with past 2 weeks
  15. Enjoy the holidays better than I did.

    Don't end up in a ditch like me 


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. silton


      @Zahzi it seems like @Rogue Swedens driving is very close to his in game driving

    3. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon


      there are no deer it Arma 

      And wow I was hoping Noone would say anything 

    4. Zahzi


      6 hours ago, Silton said:

      @Zahzi it seems like @Rogue Swedens driving is very close to his in game driving

      And to think that this man wants to fly helicopters, smh

  16. Fucking USPS are really brainless 

    fucking blows my mind, 

    rip new GPU 


    i dont even care anymore



    Your item could not be delivered to the intended recipient or returned to sender. It has been disposed of by USPS.




    Disposed by Post Office


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. yung matt
    3. MAV


      USPS  delivers global but is based in US... but i bet someone is loving their new 3080 🙂

    4. Derek


      @DeadPool come get your mans bro

  17. can we please have this

    will donate 100$


  18. selling AK12 taser

    1. Noahhh!
    2. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      gave it to some randy and told him to tase the police,

      ended up with 2MXM's and an mk1 🤣

  19. Anyone played Assassin's Creed Valhalla yet and if so how is it?


    1. Drippp


      It’s very fun, I recommend it.

  20. i got a mar10 for u msg me for price

    1. Monks


      get copyright striked idiot

    2. sleazy turd racoon

      sleazy turd racoon

      This is not a copyright strike. This claim does not affect your account status.

      Video title: He doesn't want to go
      Copyrighted content: Linda Sarsour
      Claimed by: ViacomCBS

    3. Monks


      hahahahaha u got copy striked by an arab lady

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