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Senior SWAT
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Everything posted by HyperGoat

  1. o7
  2. and .50 cal mags x4
  3. Remove Hunting Grounds or Riot

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. silton


      a map marker? why dont remove all the hospital decor and dumb shit like that 

    3. KrispyK


      nibba, theres a script that spawns the animals there more than likly, including animal meat.


    4. HyperGoat
  4. give up on being a vigi?
  5. 15
  6. I find this funny.. Last time I was on cop with you, you talked about your personal life to your brother, in the cop channel.
  7. yeah where he destroyed you
  8. All it took was that legendary rap for McDili
  9. Will there be a document with all the player statistics in this gang wars?
  10. why steal this quote from G*59
  11. I vote that Titans keep their tags, they've been for like 2 years.
  12. I have 2 crater in 24 if ever you absolutely need it, ill sell it for 2.5m
  13. I want to hear your presidential debate, on your changes @McDili, Will you do changes more to APD since you were recently a Sr APD or more Civ changes.
  14. bump
  15. It has to be a 2 crater+ and legit offers hmu
  16. come back bro
  17. This has to be a meme. These people you have mentioned all joined the server like 1-2 years ago and have been playing cop for a long time, probably even before you joined this server whoever you might be.
  18. fucking M&M's
  19. 1. This means no waves just auto-lethals? 2. Hostile Action does that inclued like hovering over the hawk for rotor taps by example
  20. @Phizx bruh unban incoming the times, he got banned for NLR
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