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Everything posted by Horizon

  1. @Revise hbd to the retard who won't stop burrping in his mic and annoying fucking dogs

  2. I'm interested in buying the armed prowler if its still available.  I'm also interested in buying the MK1 tazer if the price is negotiable.  I'll also buy any lower tier tazers you have available.  Lemme know time and place in game where we can negotiate each deal!  My in-game name is Limits | Jojo. Olympus server 2.  I'm a man of business and I don't waste time.  "Money talks and bullshit walks!"

  3. We are so prooud of you for being so brave. You can overcome this and we will support you. #justice for @ooooooooo
  4. when you think you'll never lose if you double down and you put it all on black


  5. o7 hatchbacks I wish you left before you took 70m from me
  6. sry i was at work congrats @Mike Lit @Noahhh!

    1. Noahhh!


      I love me a hard working man :kreygasm:

      Thank you!

    2. Mike Lit

      Mike Lit

      Thanks Horizon!

  7. damn you would be the one to win that much and blow it all on greens
  9. For any APD wondering how they should act as a senior...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      @Horizon Didn't know you liked BMTH, good shit man.

    3. Horizon


      @ThatNerdyGuy we used to talk abt them together in 2015 🤓

    4. ThatNerdyGuy


      @Horizon bear with me, I'm getting old so my memory is rough

  10. Due to some complications, the update will be delayed for a few weeks. We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

    1. Monks


      if you believe this u are homo

    2. Strae
    3. Venomm


      i can give u another one, dont think sapd will like it tho.

  11. o7
  12. o7 @zoomzooooooom

    congrats and good luck @Mako

  13. o7 congrats @raykazi
  14. Horizon

    cya boys

    what a weirdo
  15. @Kedar bro its ur  birthday!~@# happy birthday my guy!

  16. oh hey welcome back Trenton... soo... about help with being a moderator
  17. All I gotta say is if you vote for biden theres an 80% chance you’re doing it because you simp over hot liberal teens telling u to be liberal and have no idea whats going on in the world, or a 20% chance ur retarded uneducated democrats are willing to put a retard in office just to make trump supporters mad
  18. As a member of the development team I'd like to take the time to apologize for this post...
  19. Everyone acting like these ads aren't google showing you stuff you'd most likely click on based on your browsing history. 🤡

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lime


      I'm gettin BDO ads and I don't do that weeb shit

    3. N7Zero


      for the people with adblock thinking ur so smug huh?  < 3

    4. Fake Grandma
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