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Marty last won the day on May 10 2016

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About Marty

  • Birthday 11/26/1996

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Go forth with my blessing
  2. Get or work towards a job that gives you meaning and joy, unless you have something else in your life that already does that. Keep track of your finances and set goals for how much you want to spend/save monthly. Keep track of how much you spend on groceries, junk food, things you need and don't need. Not saying don't buy things you don't need, just be aware of how much you're spending on fun stuff and keep it in check. Keep an eye on differences in prices between grocery stores as some stores have much higher prices for the same product and brand, at least here in Canada. As much as you may be craving independence, stay with your parents for a few years if that's an option for you, even if it means a longer commute. The money you'll save on rent is huge. If you're living on your own, cook for yourself from scratch! It's a great skill to have, it's much healthier, and it saves you money. Learn basic sewing skills so you can repair your clothes, like if a button falls off or the lining of your jacket is torn. Have fun and explore, but in moderation. Don't waste the next 10 years doing nothing, thinking you can get started in your 30s. Same goes for relationships in my opinion. Oh and read what @ Element_ wrote.
  3. Why do I keep losing the taxi license when I log back into the game? I must've bought it 3 times in the past few days. I haven't been buying rebel license

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      ill refund you next time im on marty

    3. Allan Snackbar

      Allan Snackbar

      I am also having this problem

    4. Marty


      I've submitted a bug report

  4. I heard! Thank you! I was on a couple days ago to check it out. Awesome news
  5. I barely ever play anymore but when I do, I want to be able to spend my savings. I don't want to have to do runs. I can see the appeal in having everyone start at the same level again but I think it'd do more harm than good.
  6. At the risk of having my head bitten off, in my experience the taxi system can be a source of excellent roleplay scenarios, and also a fun way to help new players when they get stuck somewhere or when they need help finding their way around. And yes, there's plenty of potential for people to exploit it, either by robbing the taxi drivers or the customers. But even that at least provides more opportunities for people to interact in this game, which I think is good. When you send a taxi request, you never quite know which way it's gonna go, and whether you'll even get a response, and when you receive a request, you never quite know what kind of people you're going to be serving. And that's terrific fun.
  7. We brought it back!!!!! Taxis!!!

    1. Marty


      😮 awesome! Thanks for letting me know 

  8. My computer crashed while in arma main menu, when I turned game on again all my game settings were reset, as was my character model and squad xml. Stats, money, and everything on Olympus is fine though. Anyone know what causes this and how to fix it without having to manually change all my settings again?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. codeYeTi


      @ Marty Create regular-ish backups of your entire ArmA III profile folder. ArmA oofs sometimes, and having a backup will save your arse when it happens. Especially if you're going to do any of the following, make a backup first.

      • Use ArmA III FoV changer
      • Rename your profile
    3. Millennium


      Yeah this happens quite frequent. Pretty fucking aids. Still never bothered to make a backup of my profile so if it happens I have to do it all over again....

      Hasn't happened in a while tho so thats cool

    4. Monks


      bruh i still have my old arma profile doc on my pc lmao

  9. Only got there at the very end just before the explosions ruined it, but it looked great! Well done to all involved
  10. Have the rewards for package deliveries been increased in the last year or two or is my memory off? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      is that THE [Taxi] Marty

    3. Marty


      @ Strafe yup, I played a bit last night 

    4. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      hmu on discord some time marty Strafe#9318

  11. I feel like someone with dual citizenship voting in an election of a country I haven't been in for quite some time. Anyway, option 3 gets my vote
  12. Marty


  13. Marty

    o7 gents

  14. we have it in october fish on christmas eve (we celebrate it on the 24th). Carp or trout, or if you're fancy, salmon
  15. do you mean on sandwiches, or whole turkeys and whole hams? Either way, ham. Turkey's too dry. By the way it's weird that you guys have thanksgiving in november.
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