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Status Replies posted by Linka

  1. Ayo what the fuck, why did my picture showing homosexual black men embracing themselves get deleted? Does this server have a problem with gay black people because if so I will personally tweet about this @eggmasta @Mike Lit's stupid ass face

  2. Server has been updated for Arma 2.02.

  3. Who plays Cold War? Need some grinders to play with. Also hi

  4. Would you likely catch a ban for using a "pull-up" script to increase recoil?

  5. You're laying in your death bed moments before you pass on thinking what you did with your life then looking back at logging 2500+ hours on arma 3 😬

  6. Should I buy escape from tarkov? Is it worth playing so long after release and wipe and shit

  7. ??anyone in jacksonville

  8. You're telling me THIS tag team needs another dev? Say it aint so


  9. Olympus: guiz our devs are so gud, congratulate on hard werk



  10. Olympus: guiz our devs are so gud, congratulate on hard werk



    1. Linka


      yeah, it’s a shame we don’t have professionals. we pay our devs all this money and this is the work they give??

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  11. well, well, well... this place is still going lol xD how many OG's are still here?

  12. That didnt age well did it @Montez enjoy the global lispy 

    1. Linka


      @Montez this marvel dude is just a water'd down version of greezy gabe LOL. 

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  13. That didnt age well did it @Montez enjoy the global lispy 

    1. Linka


      @Masoooooooooon ty for giving more context, i don't really know the situation at all so i was just talking shit and trying to figure it out. idrc, if he was cheating on arma its good bc everyone needs to get off this dead game. 


    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  14. That didnt age well did it @Montez enjoy the global lispy 

    1. Linka


      @Masoooooooooon okay for the first time this thread ill seriously ask, what is that? i really dont know lol

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  15. That didnt age well did it @Montez enjoy the global lispy 

    1. Linka


      i dont care if he's globaled lmao, i dont even have arma installed. but if he was hacking on arma and everyone was accusing him i wanna know what he was doing? im retarded so can you fill me in?

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  16. That didnt age well did it @Montez enjoy the global lispy 

  17. That didnt age well did it @Montez enjoy the global lispy 

    1. Linka


      nah man, i wanna know what his bans were for

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  18. That didnt age well did it @Montez enjoy the global lispy 

  19. That didnt age well did it @Montez enjoy the global lispy 

  20. That didnt age well did it @Montez enjoy the global lispy 

    1. Linka


      and what game was that specific vac ban for marvel?

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  21. That didnt age well did it @Montez enjoy the global lispy 

    1. Linka


      if you think montez has cheated in any game ur a questionable fella, and montez doesn't have a lisp so you are 0/2 and that's just embarrassing 

    2. (See 34 other replies to this status update)

  22. You don't need to prove your self worthy of Christ or change your self before you come to him. Come to him humbly as you are, and he will change you by his grace if you truly seek him with your heart. 

    Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
    2 Corinthians 5:17

  23. Tammy has sold 199k weed give him a medal or sumthing

  24. d21b9cf969207dfd1438f9904bbac71d.pngbro yall do know the people your accusing of cheating were IN FUCKING NOBLE??? LMAOOOOOO

    1. Linka



    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

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