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Everything posted by Lethal

  1. happy 4th everyone. 


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Darren Nsonowa

      Darren Nsonowa

      I would like to see firing tests.

    3. Walsh Weep

      Walsh Weep

      i flex my guns on a video game forums

    4. Temple


      currently hacking on escape from tarkov what u gon do about it


  2. implying i did any of that myself @Eyad @Renegade can help ya
  3. remodeled my living room. You guys like?


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      I guess you could say he.. Re-Walter Model'ed

      Only the @Fat Clemenza's of this world will gain a chuckle from that one.


      Image result for Walter model smiling

      I just couldn't find one where he physically smiled more.

    3. NokiaStrong


      I would do all my work in there. I would really help me concentrate 

  4. DYWrZL5UMAAgX7_.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Lethal


      45 minutes ago, loser123 said:

      PUBG = 80% Game 20% Skill

      Fortnite = 20% Game 80% Skill

      Fortnite 5% skill 95% spam build

    3. loser123


      You Sound Retarded, Building takes skill... @Lethal

    4. N7Zero


      FORTNITE? MORE LIKE NIGHTNITE! image.jpeg.5d3f366f6462d82f12406749a445583d.jpeg

  5. Just a reminder that Europe is being invaded by military aged "refugees" and raping your women and children. 96 percent of all rapes in london are committed by non natives. Stop cucking


    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. KrispyK


      go take history class retard. just because its a joke doesnt make it less racist

    3. KrispyK


      ""refugees" and raping your women and children. 96 percent of all rapes in london are committed by non natives. Stop cucking"

    4. Lethal
  6. Oh hey, I'm unbanned. 

    The holocaust never happened, the camps were indeed real but were used by corporations like IG Farban as a source of labor. The holocaust is a product of the hooknoses trying to play on white guilt. 

  7. Texas holdem or 5 card stud?
  8. Lethal


    The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race. They have greatly increased the life-expectancy of those of us who live in “advanced” countries, but they have destabilized society, have made life unfulfilling, have subjected human beings to indignities, have led to widespread psychological suffering (in the Third World to physical suffering as well) and have inflicted severe damage on the natural world. The continued development of technology will worsen the situation. It will certainly subject human being to greater indignities and inflict greater damage on the natural world, it will probably lead to greater social disruption and psychological suffering, and it may lead to increased physical suffering even in “advanced” countries.
  9. nice status update
  10. someone that finally knows what generation kill is
  11. i think by war movies he was referring to movies based after the 13th century
  12. 1. Black hawk down 2. Fury 3. Saving Private ryan 4. Generation Kill (i know its not technically a movie, but it sort of is) 5. Enemy at the Gates
  13. i know how you feel man. lost my best friend a few years back, at first, it sort of feels like it cant be real. some sort of sick joke. but as the days go on, it will sink in more. be prepared for that. a few days ago, the friend that died, his phone number got reassigned to someone and they activated a whatsapp account, and it gave me a notification "sam R is now using whatsapp" and it just brings back all those feelings because i just buried the feelings. hope you handle it ok. sorry to inject my own story, wasnt trying to one up you, just trying to relate.
  14. imagine what we all could have accomplished, if we had real lives


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      Time played on Olympus makes up a large chunk of total hours in arma 

    3. AR15


      shit only 26k hours on dayz?

      i have 210 friends with over 900k hours played on dayz, arma 3 looks the same as yours

  15. first they get a yellow star, then they ride the cattle car

  16. lol wut
  17. fly me to europe and you can have my steam account idc
  18. i have no idea how. basically getting it to take 8 dollars out of his account instead of 8 warpoints. (keep in mind, that this is 3rd party unconfirmed information, so take it with a grain of salt)
  19. warpoint exploit
  20. Communism is a failed ideology

    1. L3SL13
    2. Fyshie.


      Tru anyone who says otherwise is living in a fantasy

  21. i have a revolutionary idea. bear with me i know it sounds crazy. but you could make your own money for once
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