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Everything posted by ScreaM

  1. ScreaM


    send mark 100k or ill kiss you on the mouth no homo his in game name is [KS] Mark show him some love for me pls
  2. ScreaM


    @Peter Long name a time and place where I can beat your ass hope all is going well and everyone send my homie @markymark501998 100k each so he is more inclined to help me with homework in the future
  3. @Peter Long I still need to beat you in heads up poker. I will check this post in a week. Should you accept, prepare your anus.

    1. Peter Long
    2. bigSMOKE


      Another poker event when? @Kurt @ScreaM

    3. ScreaM


      @Peter Long im coming for your neck 

  4. monthly check in. bengals still suck @ThatNerdyGuy . hope yall had a good holiday 

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      At least Hue Jackson won't be the new coach

  5. ScreaM

    The End

    you can add me off peter steam name is same as on here. apparently pubg is adding a prison breakout thing so ill carry you on that
  6. Welp. Been around for 3 years and I am officially o7ing. The last 3 years have been total hell in my real life, and Olympus is what pushed me through. Knowing that when I got home from school I could escape the real world and play with my buds on Arma 3. For that, I thank @Poseidon @Jesse @Peter Long @McDili and unfortunately @Grandma Gary for maintaining this community that got me through all the negatives and that I love. To newer members of this community, it may seem like a toxic bunch, and it is, but no matter what I consider the members of this community extended family and you will too if you stick it out. To all the gangs I was in, thanks for the memories. To all the gangs I fought against and probably called vulgar names at some point or another, thanks for the memories. To members of the 2 gangs I lead (Simplicity and Millennium), thanks for the memories. To @badaim - You started me on this shit, and some of the best times were with you and Titans. I consider you a close friend and I'm sure we will continue to keep in touch. To @Snare - You are one of my best friends on this game, and I thank you for the memories. Hopefully will meet you IRL sometime soon. And finally to @Linka - Another of my best friends on this game. Whether you remember it or not, you were one of the first people I met on here back when we were just acquaintances. Now, I consider you a brother that I never had, even though I do have a brother, but my real brother is a piece of shit rn imo. I'll see you soon. What an experience. I'll come around from time to time to check up on y'all. From toxic cunt to Corp to FTO to JDev, from age 17 to age 20, I loved every bit of it. The End o7 ScreaM
  7. Always remember who started the good luck kyle lake meme. 

    1. drama


      “Hey tell Kyle good luck”


      ”idk just do it”



    2. ScreaM


      oh there was a reason at the time :dejaywink:

  8. twitch.tv/screamm327 streaming $12500 poker tourney

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ScreaM


      buy in was 55 but I got in for free by qualifying

    3. Ebzekro
    4. ScreaM


      unfortunately no. wasn't running well. but it made me want to play again so im just doing sngs when I have down time. will play live tourneys when im 21

  9. I change my profile song at least once a week lol

    1. DashTonic


      I changed mind only three times a year

  10. thanks babe ill bring you ur snacks later
  11. Revert back to relatively neutral fighting sites that aren't fought super often. I enjoyed Telos, Ghost Hotel, and the DP in the far northwest (don't remember the number).
  12. fuck you all good luck @Kyle Lake

  13. Hi this is your daily reminder that the Cleveland Browns have a better record than the New England Patriots. Go browns

  14. ScreaM


    my advice: shoot and kill the enemy
  15. It's fine to post your stream when your streaming. People don't like if you just post a link and say "follow it". Pro tip

  17. new profile song. peep forever

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Admiral Lopez
    3. N7Zero


      use this instead, Suicideboys underrated AF also better than peep IMO.

    4. ScreaM


      @N7Zero that is a good song ngl but imo peep will never be outdone in the gothic genre

  18. My opinion: There is plenty of counter evidence to unban @last and @Xeltini

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fuzz^


      WTF They got banned???!

    3. -dante-


      Fuzz you’re late af they been unbanned. 

    4. Fuzz^


      Sorry cant be on 24/7 like some people  :o

  19. I just want everyone to know that in "6 kids and the pope" I am the pope and no matter what anyone says I do not sexually assault any of the 6 kids.
  20. s/o to you for keepin it real. people will do anything to move up the ladder and forget the day 1s (I could @ people but im not trying to start beef). o7 -sM- egnazio/quack
  21. stepped down from FTO. there are some corps that are plenty more deserving of the title and ill be working on learning more to eventually become a regular dev. s/o @ChrisGG who saw somethin in me others didnt

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