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o7 my second family

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Hmmm... seems like not many people like @Sandman 

didnt really play with u much but o7 man

o7 man.  Through all the shit people put you through, you gained my respect in this community.  Good luck in your future endeavors! 

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o7 I've had a blast playing with you ever since the days of Cy6 and the many times I played cop with you while you were proving everyone wrong that you could make it into srAPD. I do hope you come back every once in awhile to troll in sofia with me and you truly have been and always will be one of my best friends in this community.

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@snipeZ you and I have been friends for the longest time now. It fucking kills me to see you get demoted because some shit stains were breaking fucking server rules, Fuck them. Hopefully, we can still play my man. I have always fucking respected you and your opinion since the first day I met you when we were doing a fed and you were yelling at everyone, deadass funny. One last thing...


FUCK RATS, O7 Brother

Ps - At least you made it past DeadPool :Kappa:

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See ya around @snipeZ you were chill as hell, I’ll keep your legend going, sleeping in red zones will be the new fad!

just kidding I’ll miss you bud.

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Even though I never did get to know you well I wish I did you seemed like a cool guy and I was ignorant and judged you off the fact of a mistake and of what others thought of you. And I highly respect you for the fact that you kept on and kept on for sergeant after the odds were never really in your favor that is a fat 07brother hope to still see you around still and in your honor I will afk atleast 1 of my hours a week. :Kappa:

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5 hours ago, snipeZ said:

Well friends and foes, its time. After 760 days of being an APD member I got punched with the finale demotion of my career. Some of you may be sad and the others bouncing in joy that this toxic piece of shit is gone. May sound cheesy but being apart of this community was a wonderful experience that I'm glad I was able to live through. I got demoted/suspended/removed all multiple times and always thought to myself that I would never go anywhere in this community. Went from saying I'd never get PO to never get Corp all the way to never getting SGT (lowkey never did want LT doe lmao). Incase yer curious what cucked me this time I ordered a wave to go to the fed because a deputy was being vdm'd and I considered it *neutralized* (spoil alert, the other SRapd thought otherwise). No disrespect to any seniors however I gave my argument and they gave theirs. I love every senior right now except @Sandman because fuck him.


@Hylos I love you like a brother, we may roast eachother sometimes but I never thought I'd have a friend as kind and thoughtful as you. You made every day on cop a wonderful one with nothing but laughter. I wish nothing but luck on your way to corporal.

@CorNfLower Im sorry for recent in events which caused our bond to stretch. I'm sorry for every insult I said. You were a good friend who always looked out for me even when I did'nt care what happened to me. Your a good person and I'm glad I can call you a friend. Well I hope we are still friends.

@Grego I may roast you every time you join my channel and think of you as a complete troll. But I want you to know that your still my right-hand man and always will be. I'm glad you got corporal and hope you keep it for as long as possible (they need a reason to take it away so dont give em one ;))

@last My greatest competitor for the end game SGT tags. I'm sorry that I took them when you deserved them more. You most likely would have done a whole lot more than me and I may or may not have shed a tear when I saw you resign. I saw you lose hope in achieving sgt and it really did hurt me because I always did want you to get it with me. I thought of you as not only competition but a partner.

@Hoonter I noticed our talk between each other has faded and because of my shit tier memory I cant say to much. However I want you to know that your a good person and that I always did like you. (no homo)

@Edge good luck with SGT bud. Hope you manage to last longer than I did. (btw the number you gotta beat is 82 days)

@Deadpool im only @'ing you to say fuck you. (he had no involvement with my demotion but I still dont like the guy, he may or may not have tried to rip my tags many, and maaaany of times)

@hawk Your always a Cy6 member by blood you fuck. You may have changed and pretend you hated Cy6 but its in your blood you cuck.

@Deputy Dog I feel nothing but shame for letting you down. You where the only one who helped me reach where I got and the only person who showed kindness. I'm sorry for letting you down.

@housekitty I'm the better son.


o7 Olympus. You most certainly where never kind to me but you were a community that I always did love. Guess I just got to start focusing more on my education and job. I hope that every deputy that I was a leader of becomes a great cop. Remember to stay toxic yet always keep it fun. People say Olympus is dying because they get bored. However I never got bored because I always got on to laugh and have the others around me laugh aswell. I may have did it through straight up screaming insults all the way to self roasting. Man I suck at this. What I'm trying to say is whenever you hop on cop for grinding your hours. Dont forget to have fun and laugh, even if it means bending a rule or two. (just claim its RP).

Goodbye, I may or may not come back, but if I do and you see me. Expect to laugh.

@snipeZ wtf this is bullshit! Man I liked having you as a Srgt. I’m glad I stayed up that night I was the only deputy in the squad. Love ya man.

That sucks man, I feel for ya. There were times you pissed me off but most of the times we played in the same channel it was fun and you were one of the few sgts with enough balls to issue sdars for PO and above during fed which I respected as most sAPD are too scared to lose their rank.

Arma is boring anyway, play Ring of Elysium and soon Blackout, both games offer far superior fun.

Edited by Dirty Scrubz

Wow, another one leaving to some bs. (i mean ive never seen anyone get demoted and promoted like you bud.) Did they get a nice what.. 3 day ban for vdming.... and Olympus lost another player who actually put themselves into the server... trolls and broken game rules win again.
So what were you guys supposed to do there? let them keep vdming until.... they left with the loot? (failed rp.. situation compromised, send'em)  This is why when its the last man (deputy) standing every single person will purposefully try to not kill that one deputy to prolong the next wave. they will try to break his legs, or do anything else to make the deputy what.. push into his death anyway????!!! this needs to be fixed. When they show signs of purposefully not killing the last man standing (deputy) or not doing the fed correctly (by following the rules) a new wave should be allowed to start anyway.
Id be curious to the rest of the story, and how many units of time till this gets fixed. xd   (i would like constructive and positive feedback on what is the proper thing to do would be, what the last man standing (deputy) should do when this happens. re-spawning would be combat logging tec. so ... just take it? no lube?)

Man i had fun playing with you when i randomly did bud. Catching you on civ and hearing your own soundboard of you ... to you... golden.. i think we had thee entire police force in there in that video i uploaded buahahah. Great times!https://youtu.be/irViVPh9pvY


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