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APD Handbook Update 5/5/2019

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10 minutes ago, Pledge said:

No, I asked Ares. Just like you did with this blackwater buff from when Peter was Owner. LOL get serious or get the fuck out.


7 minutes ago, Pledge said:

 It will be reverted when the map changes Deadpool snuck in are taken out.


1 minute ago, Zahzi said:

It's weird that in all the 20 something bws and feds in the past couple days, we've only seen a couple hawks and not very many hunters, even when there are SAPD on. You'd think they might use the resources that they have first before asking for more.

We don't use all of our resources because when we do it becomes "cops are OP!?!?!??!" and everyone comes crying about a nerf.


The "APD OP" stuff didn't happen when I first joined 2 years ago because we didn't have an active SAPD and unless you have a few Sgts or above together the APD is extremely underpowered. Yesterday we did a jail where there were 3 dudes vs 4 cops and we couldn't even get across the bridge let alone get decent hits in. I saw a gang with 16 people spend hours doing fed events and terror and we were powerless.



The APD is nowhere near OP and at all times except high pop hours on friday and Saturday you'll generally have 8 or less officers with 1 or 2 Corps max on a server. The APD is underpowered and honestly sucks for deps and POs but whenever measures are proposed that would reduce that gap and even the fight we become OP. If anything civs need a nerf because I've played 5 hours this weekend and have been outgunned and undermanned the entire time.

  • Hmm 1
1 minute ago, Unjo said:

Hunters dont fly

Hawks have flares, and it takes an average of 2 hits, NOT rockets. You spend a good 700k to have a good chance to take down one hawk. Gunners in a hawk need to take down 3-4 kids down at a fed to make their money back on insurance. If there's apparently so many people stacking feds on a civ side your not running low on targets to gun down with your 2000 round minigun. 

Ive been a civ and I've been sAPD and when you see a lot of people doing a fed and youre not absolutely confident you can flare an unknown amount of titans you don't pull one. Nobody wants to lose money and if you pull hawks like a retard you lose a lot of money.

1 minute ago, Ron said:

Ive been a civ and I've been sAPD and when you see a lot of people doing a fed and youre not absolutely confident you can flare an unknown amount of titans you don't pull one. Nobody wants to lose money and if you pull hawks like a retard you lose a lot of money.

Don't pull hawks like a retard then

@DeadPool you acted on an approved change from 5 MONTHS AGO

Without putting it in the changelog

Seems a little sneaky to me

  • Like 2
1 minute ago, Pledge said:

@DeadPool you acted on an approved change from 5 MONTHS AGO

Without putting it in the changelog

Seems a little sneaky to me

And we got promised the war terminal how many months before it got put in? Same principle, things take time. Expecting a change to happen within 2 seconds is something as we see again and again only the SAPD and their "NOT SNEAKY AT ALL" updates can do.

Honestly, this change is not that bad. However I would like to see specification about what "heavily outnumbered" means and how leadership will determine these numbers. I also think this should go both ways. If cops "heavily outnumber" civilians then you should not be able to pull hawks etc or some rule/change that balances it in return. 

  • Like 5
7 minutes ago, Pledge said:

@DeadPool you acted on an approved change from 5 MONTHS AGO

Without putting it in the changelog

Seems a little sneaky to me

Im not allowed to touch the change log

Also it was delayed for FPS.

Finally, @rapidaax waits til last minute to add stuff to change log.

I didnt sneak shit in. There are others above me who look at everything I add to make sure things are not sneaked in. 

Also, I would never sneak something in or hide something in a hide update.

It was in my file for months waiting to be added to

  • Like 3
46 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:

Imagine pushing an apd buff after civs win feds for 3 days


And here, ladies and gentlemen, is why the “buff” happened. 

We can close the thread now

14 minutes ago, DeadPool said:

Im not allowed to touch the change log

Also it was delayed for FPS.

Finally, @rapidaax waits til last minute to add stuff to change log.

I didnt sneak shit in. There are others above me who look at everything I add to make sure things are not sneaked in. 

Also, I would never sneak something in or hide something in a hide update.

It was in my file for months waiting to be added to

Actually Deadpool, you’re wrong on this one. 

My main man @Mako never put in the towers because he knew how unbalanced it’d be. 

  • Like 3
3 minutes ago, an overweight giant retard said:


And here, ladies and gentlemen, is why the “buff” happened. 

We can close the thread now

Actually Deadpool, you’re wrong on this one. 

My main man @Mako never put in the towers because he knew how unbalanced it’d be. 

pretty sure Mako was still Lead when they got approved so

Yea it got approved dec23 and he got removed dec 26th

4 minutes ago, an overweight giant retard said:

Correct, and he made it very clear how retarded the change would be, and thus never added it.

It was added and approved tho while he was lead sooooo

29 minutes ago, DeadPool said:

It was added and approved tho while he was lead sooooo

So why was it implemented did you not think to consult people about it prior to the change? That maybe people should have a conversation about the change before you "Sneak" it in. 

6 minutes ago, Hoonter said:

So why was it implemented did you not think to consult people about it prior to the change? That maybe people should have a conversation about the change before you "Sneak" it in

Because it was discussed, people were consulted and a conversation was had about it. Unfortunately for us it took some time to implement as there had to be several checks done so we knew it wouldn't impact performance and after a bit it got forgotten due to the fact there were more pressing matters at hand. If you cared to read the civ rep "recap" you would have read ages ago that this was approved and were to be implemented.

9 minutes ago, Bojo said:

Because it was discussed, people were consulted and a conversation was had about it. Unfortunately for us it took some time to implement as there had to be several checks done so we knew it wouldn't impact performance and after a bit it got forgotten due to the fact there were more pressing matters at hand. If you cared to read the civ rep "recap" you would have read ages ago that this was approved and were to be implemented.


Blackwater vehicle crafting

Adding a few more deer stands to Blackwater"

This was the exact quote from the post from the 23rd of December. From insider sources I heard it wasn't even on the trello it seems like quite a change to not bring up to anybody outside a select few before implementations?

9 minutes ago, Hoonter said:


Blackwater vehicle crafting

Adding a few more deer stands to Blackwater"

This was the exact quote from the post from the 23rd of December. From insider sources I heard it wasn't even on the trello it seems like quite a change to not bring up to anybody outside a select few before implementations?

Mentioned 23 of December and implemented how long after? You had 3+ months to prepare for the change that was listed as coming on a PUBLIC post that ANYONE could read. How in the world can you call that "a select few before implementations"? Everything the civ reps bring up we have no clue what so ever when it actually gets implemented, staff knows, sure, but we both know 99% of the time they are not at liberty to disclose when said changes are coming. The fact that your angry about a change that your chief was more than ok with seems like a apd issue to me, if anything your chief needs to be more open and not expect you to use those 3+ months before implementation to get ready for it to come. :4head: 


Edit: and added to the Trello or not, just because it wasn't added to the Trello asap doesn't mean it won't happen, I don't know what world you live in but it doesn't have to be on the Trello to be official.

  • Community Manager
1 hour ago, DeadPool said:

Im not allowed to touch the change log

Also it was delayed for FPS.

Finally, @rapidaax waits til last minute to add stuff to change log.

I didnt sneak shit in. There are others above me who look at everything I add to make sure things are not sneaked in. 

Also, I would never sneak something in or hide something in a hide update.

It was in my file for months waiting to be added to

Just so we're aware it was agreed upon HALF A YEAR ago. This was when civ council was first founded and when I was told it'd been passed I literally ignored it because Blackwater was balanced in terms of risk and reward. Seems to me like there are still issues regarding representation of the APD with there having been a chief change. In my opinion as someone having been a part of recent federal events there has never been a time of greater imbalance and this handbook update won't fix that.

1 hour ago, an overweight giant retard said:



1 hour ago, Pledge said:

For final note it was going to be intentionally ignored until I was forced to add in a solution, personally I don't think Dante or Peter were expecting 3 towers literally a 75% increase from the vanilla amount. I don't believe they would have approved of what you've done the same as @Pledge and @an overweight giant retard.

  • Like 3
45 minutes ago, Hoonter said:


Blackwater vehicle crafting

Adding a few more deer stands to Blackwater"

This was the exact quote from the post from the 23rd of December. From insider sources I heard it wasn't even on the trello it seems like quite a change to not bring up to anybody outside a select few before implementations?

So people are leaking stuff some Design stuff to you great

Also, During staff meetings, I was told by @ikiled to add stuff to the trellos as they are approved. 

Btw everything I bring up is in a staff meeting. So please Read what I post before you come at my neck with a stupid comment again.

so do we drop our sdars after more cops log on or civs die and we are no longer outnumbered? or is it like lethals how we stay lethals until the situation is deemed clear (stay with sdars in this case)

Just now, Super_Nova said:

so do we drop our sdars after more cops log on or civs die and we are no longer outnumbered? or is it like lethals how we stay lethals until the situation is deemed clear (stay with sdars in this case)

Ha! You know the answer to this.

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