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R&R Handbook Update 11/5/2019

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R&R Handbook Update

Changes Appear in Red/Green

Chapter IX - Interacting with the APD

1. Medics are not required to assist the APD if requested.
2. Medics must assist for a minimum of 15 minutes when requested assisting.
     2.1. Medics may, at their discretion, stay for an additional 15 minutes if there are no    other calls for service pending.
     2.2. Medics who elect to stay for an additional 15 minutes shall not stay and assist for more than 30 minutes.  Once 30 minutes has elapsed, medics must return to their regularly assigned duties.
3. Once a medic is released, the same medic cannot assist the APD until 30 minutes has elapsed since the time of their release.
4. Medics who are assisting the APD shall not assist the opposing faction unless taken hostage.
5. If the APD are responding to a situation in waves, and the officers in the current wave are dead, medics should attempt to leave the area and wait for the next APD wave to arrive.
6. Medics may not operate police vehicles while assisting the APD.
7. Medics may ride in police vehicles while assisting the APD.
8. Medics who are assisting the APD within an illegal zone can be killed without warning.
9. If an APD officer instructs a medic not to enter an area, legal or illegal, the medic shall comply with the order and stay clear of the area for 5 minutes or until instructed otherwise or given written or verbal permission to return to the restricted location.
10. APD Officers should not stop R&R personnel from performing their medical duties without reason, and must be able to enforce their demands.
11. Medics shall comply with all APD orders so long as they are reasonable and don't go against the Medic handbook, APD handbook, or Olympus Server Rules.
12. Medics detained or arrested by the APD for failing to comply with orders or instructions may be subject to disciplinary action.

13. APD calls should be treated as a priority call but you are not required to leave your current active calls to assist the APD.

Chapter XV - Progressive Disciplinary Matrix (PDM)

2. Grounds for administrative action
     2.1. Documented Counseling
          2.1.1. Medics shall receive a 73-30 day suspension/removal upon the issuance of the third Documented Counseling.
          2.1.2. Medics that accrue 6 Documented Counselings will be dismissed from the R&R.
     2.2. LOR
          2.2.1. Medics shall receive a 73-30 day suspension/removal for each LOR issued.
          2.2.2. Medics that accrue 3 LOR's will be dismissed from the R&R.
     2.3. Civilian Bans
          2.3.1. Medics who accumulate multiple bans can be dismissed from the R&R. The length of the removal depends on the number and severity of the bans issued.
   RDM, VDM, RVD, NLR: 1 week per ban
   Exploit, Fail RP, Combat Log: 2 weeks per ban
   Harassment, Hacking, Mass RDM: Blacklist


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  • Lead Developer
  • Lead Map Designer

This is the APD. Any medical personnel seen in the area will be shot. Please leave the area immediately.

Nice work Grego! 
impressive evasive maneuvers. That landing and surrender actually looked genuine, until u broke their necks and took off again. Poggers in the chat for a real legend @Grego

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38 minutes ago, billdroid said:

Nice work Grego! 
impressive evasive maneuvers. That landing and surrender actually looked genuine, until u broke their necks and took off again. Poggers in the chat for a real legend @Grego

Can't even tap me out of the hawk smh my head

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19 minutes ago, Grego said:

Can't even tap me out of the hawk smh my head

Get fucked, good police work officers @rabeed @an overweight giant retard

Also the fact that you and that senior still have RnR whitelists shows what a joke faction you guys are.

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1 minute ago, Civak said:

Wait, why was a medic that cannot access Ghosthawks flying one?

- 3.2.1.  Medic may operate other R&R ground vehicles they have not yet earned as long as the ranking medic is in the vehicle while it is being used.
           - 3.2.2.  Flight Certified Medics may operate other R&R air vehicles they have not earned yet as long as the ranking medic is in the vehicle while it is being used. The ranking medic is not required to be in the Pilot or Co-Pilot seat.

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5 minutes ago, Civak said:

Wait, why was a medic that cannot access Ghosthawks flying one?


21 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:

Get fucked, good police work officers @rabeed @an overweight giant retard

Also the fact that you and that senior still have RnR whitelists shows what a joke faction you guys are.

You know nothing about the situation

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22 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:

I see a senior medic and you evading arrest and getting piped by a hawk because you didn't follow their instructions. Sounds like enough for me.


11 minutes ago, Grego said:

@Bloodmoon if you don't know the situation then don't comment on it

it was medic of the month bloodmoon

get it right idiot

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