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o7 and end of the CTF.

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12 minutes ago, Chunk said:

After all weve been through and I dont get a mention, kind of sad

Honestly. yeah mb.  Take care of yourself chunk.  One of the last like 4 TP I can get along with.  You're a nice guy when you're not in asshole mode lol.  I forgot like 2 of my arma  best friends.  Don't feel bad.  Way too many hours on this server and a 40 year olds brain.  You'll understand one day.  lol

If you ever need a good comeback to roast strafe lemme know.. I got you lol

On 7/1/2023 at 9:37 PM, The Sovereign said:



yall shot me in the head for this makes me sad i just opposed the marriage he was cheating 


  • Like 1
29 minutes ago, JaydenB said:

yall shot me in the head for this makes me sad i just opposed the marriage he was cheating 


Istg you guys HAD to have scripted at least part of that.  No fucking shot that was all improv. 

Back in the day Skrilla, WXM and CTF used to run the mushroom processor it was fun times i still have this clip saved and always thought it was funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jy2JquXiOvY

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1 minute ago, jdominique said:

Back in the day Skrilla, WXM and CTF used to run the mushroom processor it was fun times i still have this clip saved and always thought it was funny. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jy2JquXiOvY

The Coalition took us all to the top.  Went from all of us getting robbed daily to the biggest gangs on the server asking us for permission to do runs instantly.   Nice to see you Dad.  been a while.   Sinaloa Cartel too.  

On 7/1/2023 at 11:52 PM, The Sovereign said:

Every single time Wraith pulls up to a cap, they always begin 'looking' for me in the quadrant I'm in without a single exception.

Good riddance, quit posting on forums now and just go quit already

  • STFU 2

*waaaa I quit the server because im not happy 😞*


Proceeds to spend several hours the next couple days posting and feining for attention.




2 minutes ago, ZeroBlade said:

Hey guys i'm ZeroBlade i didnt get

I never really knew you that well.  You always went from wanting to be my best friend when you were hanging out with ipod to hating me when you hung out with anyone else.  Only thing I really specifically remember about you is 1:33. 


Oh yeah and that clip i have somewhere of you pushing tower cap screaming "WHERES THE FUCKING BOMB SOV!  I KNOW THERES A BOMB WHERE IS IT!!?!"

Spoiler Alert:  You found it.  When it exploded you.  

8 minutes ago, [HVN] Boxxyy said:

*waaaa I quit the server because im not happy 😞*


Proceeds to spend several hours the next couple days posting and feining for attention.




You had literally.. thousands of things you could be doing right now.  You could be mowing your lawn, taking a shower, clipping your nails, watching a movie, smoking crack, stealing a car, choking a hooker, and of the LITERAL FUCKING THOUSANDS OF THING YOU COULD BE CHOOSING TO DO RIGHT NOW.... you chose to be here, on the forum, writing multiple things to someone you don't know because you're mad they quit a video game for some reason.

So I guess.. you're welcome...  for me giving you that option.

9 hours ago, The Sovereign said:

Istg you guys HAD to have scripted at least part of that.  No fucking shot that was all improv. 

All off the cuff and improvised

On 7/1/2023 at 9:54 PM, The Sovereign said:

I worked on that for quite a while... and I forgot a ton of people.  

All the first generation CTF:  Xyla and crew now Boats and Hoes.  Ya'll were the rdmer's that cleared out Sofia so we could take over in the first place.  Glad to see you guys back.

@ Hawkgnewaccount @ hawkg23   The loyalest little dude.  Only forgot you because you stopped playing and started playing ws with me.  Didn't click in my head as an arma player anymore.  You're a real one.

The good sillas @ Tammy @ ivy @ GracieGirl @ lukie @johnnyjerusalem ... thanks for being retards with me at 4am.  Most of you don't even play anymore but I love you guys.

The OG noble:  @ Noahhh! @ Poon @ Roo  @ Blueangelman36 @ nman  Fucking amazing ppl.. and I always strived to reach Roo's level of tages even if I'd never hit it.

@ Mudiwa  and his dwarves.  Keep hustlin.   The only people I gave up on with competing with stats against.  

@ Big John1   It's easy to say people play because of their friends, but most play because of their enemies.  You were always the best enemy. You might have been surrounded by retards,  but there was always some lines you didn't personally cross.  Thanks for keeping the game engaging...  I hate you.  Have a good life.  Hitler is bad though. 

@ CHEESE1   I see you on here too lol.  Love you my dude.  You never stooped to the level you were always surrounded by.  A nice mf.  Stay yourself. 

I knew I logged back on for the first time in a year today for a reason. All the best and godspeed.


Found this in my youtube folder today: 

@ Noble  Miss you dude glad you're killing it here!

Edited by Blueangelman36
  • Like 1
23 minutes ago, Blueangelman36 said:

I knew I logged back on for the first time in a year today for a reason. All the best and godspeed.


Found this in my youtube folder today: 

@ Noble  Miss you dude glad you're killing it here!

There's a reason we just focused on numbers in the early days lmmfao.  
Still waiting on new horizons 😕 

Found this from back in the day @ jdominique  @ Blueangelman36

Going through a lot of old videos.   The vehicle despawn script was bugged and @ Noble was mad because we had like 100 hatchbacks out apparently lol

Noble has a video on his end of it.  Like "ctf is fucking retarded" or something.  I have to find it.  He got sexually harassed by cabbage doing a girl voice and was uncomfortable lol


At the point in this video tho, at any given moment, 50% of the servers entire population was in the ctf group lol.  

UNPRIVATE THIS @ Noble .  Don't shit on history like that.  There's literally no self image based reason you'd private that. 

On 7/1/2023 at 10:35 PM, The Sovereign said:

The noble gang's little brother. lol.  Take care of yourself ares.  Glad to see you're growing up well. 

I’ll miss the fun times. Going through some rough losses rn with family but I’m definitely growing up! I start college in august!

12 hours ago, The Sovereign said:

UNPRIVATE THIS @ Noble .  Don't shit on history like that.  There's literally no self image based reason you'd private that. 

wish i could. Don pablo got my account taken down for racism on a report years back!

1 minute ago, Noble said:

wish i could. Don pablo got my account taken down for racism on a report years back!


  • Chief of Furry Police
On 7/3/2023 at 3:22 AM, The Sovereign said:

Istg you guys HAD to have scripted at least part of that.  No fucking shot that was all improv. 

That was all on the spot.  

On 7/1/2023 at 7:20 AM, The Sovereign said:

This is it boys and girls.  It's been a wild fucking ride.  I have nothing bad to say about anyone.  In no particular order, as this isn't a rating system: 

@ Angela   and @ Price :   The two closest friends I've ever made in a video game.  Both of you will always be near and dear to me.  Thank you for being the fellow adults in the day care to talk to lol.   I love you both so much.

@Cabbage:  If you ever come back to read this dude... you were an absolute pain in my ass I had to babysit 24/7.  But I still love you homie.  You learned to embrace the cringe of ctf, and added your brand of toxic to it.  We were too nice and soft.  We needed it.  WIll miss you.  

@randy Not sure what your profile name is, but you are a legend my friend. You, cabbage and I probably spent more time playing together than any other people on this server.  You were cabbage's better half.  ❤️  Nothing but love for you.

@mark  An absolute legend.  Basically the surrogate father to all the lost souls we collected.  Everyone loves you, and I love you too old friend.  Every time I see a pickup truck, I'll always think of you.  

@jean dufour:  The only one I could really trust when CTF was its biggest.  The only one that could give me a reality check when I needed it.  Hope it's all going great for you out there.  

@pepo bismol:  Glad you came back in the last couple weeks.  It was nice to see you.  Shame your mic didn't work.  Miss you homie.

@ JDC   You really are the number 1 Weeknd fan.  Got me into him.  Your calm rationality will take you places most people can't go.

@ WALT   You really are a diamond in the rough rough rough.  I'm  happy for you in your irl advances.  You'll do amazing, I'm sure of it.  Make everyone around you more like you and everyone will be better off for it. 

@ Eskimoboy You were born to kill cops.   There is no stopping you when you start killing cops.   Jesus you kill a lot of cops.  

@ Wilhelm   When you first came to this server and started asking noob questions, and I never in a million years thought we'd end up like the friends we are. and never woulda guessed you're the person that you are.  Much love homie.  Remember... "It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."

@ Grizzly Whenever I was starting to get sick of all the senseless carnage and explosions, you always seemed to show up to revive me and encourage me to carry on.  "You are a creator of chaos, and us medics thrive on chaos"  I'll always appreciate you my dude.. you will never be forgotten.  

@ Noble   You aren't the same kid I first met when I started playing.  I watched you evolve yourself so much over the years.  We went from being bitter rivals, to respected opponents, to friends.  I'll never forget you my dude. 

@ Xlax   Met you later in the game,  and I completely misjudged you because I judged you by the company you keep.   You are absolutely awesome.. and you put keeping all your friends entertained and happy as a high priority.  You deserve the praise you get and then some.  Keep being you.

@ Ricky Falzo   You are a good person.  I don't think you believe it, but you are.  And you are a loyal friend and I will never stop thinking about you.  Much love mr falzo.  

@TNM As a whole.  All you boys are absolute legends and I cherish you all.  You guys defend your friends and you really could give a fuck less about anyone else.  If only they knew you were some of the nicest and coolest people on the server outside of sidechat.

@Tilde You guys are the funniest mother fuckers on the server.  The only people I was ever happy to get tazed by because I knew it would be thoroughly debauched and entertaining.  

@TCC   I have no idea how we became friends after how we met, but here we are.  I can't believe you guys were actually that nice of people.   Take care boys, and keep kicking scrub ass. 

@ David Miller Thank you for doing all you do and keeping the creeps in check.  You make this server bearable for women in my experience and from what I've seen.

@ Bubbaloo Burrito   Holding events does more for the community than doing tickets.  You and also @ Marcus  lead the pack in that.  Thank you for the good times.  

@ codeYeTi   You bust your ass to make this server better because you care.  Thank you for helping keep this whole server entertained. 

@ Mako   I know I gave you a lot of shit but you gave me a lot of shit too.  Still, I appreciate you and all the hard work you've put into this project.  Everyone enjoys the fruits of your labor everyday, and I really do appreciate it.  

@ Grandma Gary   I know you said it in jest, but I don't hate you.  Your surprise visits always made me laugh.  Try to understand a principled stand doesn't mean I don't like you.  Just gotta do what I think is right.  You really are a great dude. 

and last but very very much not least.

@ Alpha and Omega   Mr demon.  You are by far the most loyal CTF solider this server has ever seen.  You are absolutely cringe and wholesome in all the best ways.  I love you so much my friend.  With everything you deal with, you always find a way to laugh and try to make everyone around you laugh.  You are the only person I've ever met in my life that I can truly say has become the absolutely best person he is capable of being and I'm so proud of you.  Carry on, and remember always be who you are no matter what anyone says.  Keep owning it.  

There's a lot of people and i worked on this for a long while.. so if I forgot someone I'm sorry.  I got love for a lot of people on here.  Good luck and good times to the lot of you ❤️ 
CTF on Top. 


HEY! It wasn't *Grizzly that said that, *I* did! We will miss your chaos! (Maybe Grizzly did, who knows lol)

1 minute ago, PolarBear said:

HEY! It wasn't *Grizzly that said that, *I* did! We will miss your chaos! (Maybe Grizzly did, who knows lol)

Apparently both of you did lmao.  I forgot about you saying that lol.  Nuts.  I guess it's across the board.

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