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Everything posted by DoctorK

  1. ^ Basically my stance on this issue. Trump always had the mouth he did before running for president. The media just decided to take advantage of that to smear him out of the race. I feel like most of the younger voters were heavily influenced by the media (heavily biased toward democrat in my opinion), which is the main reason we're seeing a lot of the civil unrest. Add that to the fact that riots have been trending recently and we're looking at a potentially exciting few months. However, I'm pretty sure all the babyragers will eventually dust themselves off and realize that the crying isn't going to solve anything. People need to understand that the whole "a house divided cannot stand" quote is pretty relevant here. Last time the US tried to function as two separate entities was in the 1860s. Google can tell you how that turned out. Trump always had the mouth he did before running for president. I believe once he's surrounded by the right people and experiences the burdens of being president he'll learn to curve his big shot mouth that has carried him through the celebrity lifestyle. If he was doing it for money he'd have been better off dropping out of the race early. Everyone should see that. At the end of the day, Trump, like every other president, deserves and needs the peoples' support in order to have a hope of making the difference he wants to. He will have to deal with the checks and balances our government has set in place to prevent the "radical hate-mongering" most people seem to be fearful of. No matter what, democracy is still democracy. Our elected officials must listen to the voices of the people. We basically own their jobs. People shouldn't feel powerless just because the election didn't go their way. It's still America, and we're still Americans no matter who is president. TLDR: It doesn't matter who is President. Democracy will still win. #4yearsofmemes #Feelsgoodman Here's a funny meme that's relevant
  2. o7 friend. You were one dank m9m9r and will be missed just like Harambe
  3. Don't worry, I fixed it for you @Fedot
  4. Side Chat disabled if you are dead Rest in peace all the salty sailors crying "RDM" in Kavala
  5. We did it boys!!


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Virus1


      In my 2nd year right now. Definitely enjoy the break while you have it. Writing my USMLE Step 1 this coming July

    3. Augustus


      @Virus Good luck with that!

    4. Snare


      ayeeeee med school

  6. Nature is amazing 


    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary


    2. DoctorK


      Drat I knew I should have picked a more inconspicuous prostitute name


    1. I Am Fuzzy
    2. -dante-


      The video has been removed for violating YouTube's policy on harassment and bullying/

    3. DoctorK


      FeelsBadMan but I can't even remember what this video was. Disclaimer; it wasn't mine ;)

      Edit: Nevermind, I found it again. 


  8. When OP posts a repost about reposting
  9. sheesh big G you are old. Have a happy birthday anyway ya raisin @Grandma Gary

  10. Agree with these fellas. They're pricy, but honestly worth the money. They'll last you several years compared to some of the cheaper alternatives if you take care of them, they sound amazing, and they are the most comfortable headset I've ever worn. I personally went with A50's because I wanted wireless, but both are equal quality.
    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Guest


      lol doc


    3. Lucki


      Well I'm about to start observing then student teaching at south lawndale...

    4. Nuski


      Nah I live nowhere near that. I'm close to evergreen park. 

  11. I'm waiting for another moment like this in Gang Wars VI


    1. PoptartRex


      You mean for Division to practice their nade spam :Kappa:

    2. HeadAss


      Allahuakbar tactics

  12. The final case being where the picture of the doge comes in
  13. Happy Birthday Mr. Nooton, don't do anything @Grandma Gary would do.

    1. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      I will noot :Kappa:

      lol thanks man!

  14. DoctorK


    While "On-Duty" Taxi drivers may not partake in hostage taking or robbing others Straight from the general rules. If you use the taxi license to abuse people and obtain their locations, I don't think it will end well.
  15. Especially when it comes to montages
  16. It might not be so obvious to someone who recently joined, but the weapon was most likely a PO7. This used to be the standard issue deputy taser, so they weren't that difficult to acquire. There are a few other handgun options for some of the senior APD, but those are rarely ever used and even more rarely stolen. As for how it was obtained, either the rebels demanded it during a hostage situation, or they took a cop hostage and demanded he/she drop it. There aren't any methods for non APD members to purchase a taser in handgun form, except from another civilian who obtained it in one of the mentioned ways.
  17. When there are no cops on server 2 and the Rebels have new toys.


  18. Anyone know if it's possible to remove/delete storage crates? If so, how?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DoctorK


      That's what some people in game were saying, thanks.

    3. DoctorK


      Only way for an Admin to delete the crates is to delete the house. In other words, in order to swap crates you'll just have to sell the house and re-buy it. Be sure to move virtual inventory and the like before doing so. You might be compensated if you record the process.

    4. Marty


      yea, i wanted to know this too. i have 4 small crates, and after their capacity was decreased so much, i need the large ones, but im running out of crate slots.


    1. Linka


      no, he's not. lol.

    2. DoctorK


      Come on, shooting peter was funny :Kappa:

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