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Everything posted by Sociopathic

  1. Shoutout to @G.O.A.T. for changing the ranks back to Deputy and Patrol Officer. :D

    1. Augustus


      I liked Cadet better :(

  2. Your name is a cool color, what APD rank is that? Vigilante?


    1. Sociopathic


      Your my 2nd favorite "#ShitDev"

  3. @Tman15tmb For birthday can we get rid of these warning points eh?

  4. @Muthinator Was hoping for SAR for my birthday but Paramedic will do :D

    1. Muthinator


      1 step at a time.  Happy Birthday.


  5. We share the same birthday :P

    Happy birthday!

    1. Goodman


      Lol.  Happy Bday man. :bender-dance:

  6. @Muthinator I am the definition of respectable right? jk, idk who you are.
  7. That moment when I say I'm not mad at the APD as a whole and Talindor locks the thread saying not to target the faction as a whole. 

    1. Dangus


      I think it might have been a poor choice of words from him. Although, other people were targeting the apd as a whole. I know you weren't though. The less threads that are somewhat negative or criticize the apd, the better. 

    2. Tman15tmb
    3. Ahmed99


      That sounds like a beef ting u guys have

  8. Also, it's not really my discontent with the APD as a whole, it's more with a few of the officers who I didn't name cause I'm not trying to start anything, but it seems that newer cops, their RP isn't good for obvious reasons, and I know they'll learn so I try not to get too salty about it, but the cop I had issues with, isn't a new cop, and it seems that some people who have been cops for a while but are stuck at PO, get in this rut so they don't think they'll get CPL, so they don't try to RP as much and in not RPing much, they don't look like good CPL Canidates.
  9. I don't usually expect to keep my weapons if I have manslaughters, or even really to get off on the charges, I'll RP and come up with a good story just for the fun of RPing, but there's no point in trying if the cop is gonna just brush it off and ignore what I say. I'm not saying pardon me or give me a half ticket, I just want cops to put some effort into RPing instead of saying, they don't beleive me. @Talindor I did put in a report ( #17637 )
  10. Same, I joined the protest and Lucki didn't like that.
  11. Reminds of the #FreeBox Protest. @Lucki
  12. Do you really want me to go pointing out all the problems in your illiterate post? ""
  13. I'm just saying some basic RP training would be nice, I'm not gonna go around reporting every cop that doesn't RP cause I don't wanna be the guy that gets a cop removed cause they are having a bad day and robo copped me, or processed me fast without much RP because he thought my gangmates would attack to save me, I'm just pointing out that a good chunk of lower ranking officers would much prefer just speed through processing than to actually RP with you (with some exceptions of course).
  14. English? Hard to get experience when your entire counter argument to any story on cop is "I dont believe you" Aight, let me go get half the police force removed.
  15. I think cops should have to RP more, or atleast go through RP training to become a "Cadet", there's nothing more annoying than trying to RP with a cop and putting a lot of effort into it, just to hear "I dont beleive you" and that be the end of it, its gotten to the point to where I dont request higher ups because I need to complain about an officer, I request higher ups so I get some half decent RP, im not looking to argue my way out of my charges every time, but atleast put it some effort instead of just brushing what I say off. I have over 17k minutes on cop and I never understood why people who hate RP or who dont bother to RP actually become cops, there are people who I've seen who just treat it as a money source and nothing else, I'm not gonna call anyone out on it, I'm just simply stating it'd be nice to have RP training be a standard. TL;DR Cops need to RP more.
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sociopathic


      lmao, not only did the thread I posted get locked, the whole thing got deleted...

    3. Bow


      You should uninstall winrar and install 7zip

    4. Sociopathic
  16. So Dante, what band got you into liking "screamy music"?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sociopathic


      Bring Me the Horizon and Asking  Alexandria are still trendy here :3

    3. -dante-


      AA isnt too much. Oli Sykes is more trendy than BMTH tbh. Their music is way way way way better these days than when I was first into them. 

    4. platinumfire


      Listen guys Rammstein rules all k

  17. Nice! @Ramennoodles for the $100 Donation!

    1. Ramennoodles


      Thanks, won't be the last. :)

    2. -dante-


      Gotta be one of the bigger donations I've seen when the goal was already met 

  18. lmfao, I said gl and tagged Mcdili cause that thread has been dead since June of 2014....


  19. We all know your life is already in shambles.
  20. 506583d6e0b688a7678d82f605576a57.png

    Still can't send messages. Any help would be great....

    @Tman15tmb @Peter Long @Dezree @Doc @Bubbaloo Burrito @Ares@Poseidon @McDili


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sociopathic


      @Trumper How about you shut the fuck up? :)

    3. Trumper


      @Sociopathic i'll pass bruh, just remember no ones gives a fuck if you can't message anyone

    4. Sociopathic


      @Trumper then why are you still here?

  21. Unfortunately you failed the secret test by referring to the rank as "Deputy" when they are clearly Cadets, right @Corporal_moob?
  22. Yeah, I wasn't really trying to point that out but yeah, they say 200 :P. I was meaning more of how many of the 14k accounts are actually active or semi active people or just accounts that were made then abandoned shortly after.
  23. Bojo, since your basically owner of the forums, disable the captcha, ill triple the numbers
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