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Everything posted by Decimus

  1. Congrats @ Winters for making your times this week I think you are only have a 129 hour debt till you have made up for the over 6 months of inactivity

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mighty


      Uh 3,2hr ≠ 10hr minimums 

    3. Decimus


      @ Mighty Im going off the handbook

    4. SPBojo


      Its okay @ Mighty , hes the chief so hes own rules does not apply to him + he does like, SO MUCH desk work, like, A LOT of desk work, A BUNCH of it, GIANT volumes of desk work! 

  2. Hey I voted to remove everyone
    1. Show previous comments  63 more
    2. Walt Is A Mako Rebrand

      Walt Is A Mako Rebrand

      who cares

      dead game ran by dentheads

      runs have been boring for 5 years yet admins have rallied against every fun money making obj such as plane runs

      literal dentheads run this server it is on its hind leg and only still played because grown men keep telling themselves they'll eventually stop playing when they go to college, get a job, or move out of mamma's house!!!

      it will never stop!!!
      uninstall this game!

      ur ancestors look down upon u shamefully!Like A Bird In The Skyrim, Hall of Valor, Sovngarde

    3. Regal


      those are rookie numbers, imagine not having 2 bil in your account

    4. Noble


      good read! 3.5 stars for drama

  3. Congrats @ Jayden Blueberries I still hate you though

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Decimus


      what in the fuck... why are you here @ MAV

    3. hawk
    4. MAV


      I made my annual visit to the forums.... i leave and you become a developer?? I didn't even know you knew how to read!

      @ hawk ilu2 bb!

  4. 2f068e5938a5e83ee772c3c5237f6887.jpg

    man I really love having a queue to even open the main menu of a game...

    1. ThatNerdyGuy


      Best game ever man, all I ever wanted to do was wait for a queue to load and then kick me out. 

    2. Cole


      really helping maintain the stereotype 

  5. As much as I agree with you @ Farrel I really don't think it will do much at this point because they have not had to spend staff points for years, so all of them have been collecting points without really needing to use them as @ Noble said.
  6. i like the idea but I honestly don't see it getting used enough for it to be worth the development time as well as we would need a good way to prevent people from being cancer and interrupting the event
  7. ETA on stats page dark theme?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Decimus


      only took 3 months 😠

    3. milos inflated dev2 ego

      milos inflated dev2 ego

      where gonna have an issue if you don’t make the garage more organized 

    4. milos inflated dev2 ego
  8. I'm probably being dumb but what exactly are you referring to?
  9. The cop faction really is down bad. 6v6, no medic, and we gave you ifrits and this is your response



    IDK how you want us to make it more fair for you

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. xanx


      wait arent u the nigga that e-dated some weird chick for like 2 years?

    3. Farrel


      Why should cops ever be equal or on the same lvl as civs??? They have free gear no nlr insurance on illegal vehicles. Server is just full of idiots. 

    4. jasper_


      ^^^ Because they're actual players and not NPCs, and don't exist for the sole purpose of being a shooting gallery for people with 4000 more hours than them. Where's the fun in being told "yeah, you HAVE to respond to this, but you're going to die over and over for the next 20 minutes because you're assaulting a defendable position against people who are multiple leagues above you in skill."?


      Give cops whatever gear they ask for, and they'll still lose, you can't blame them for not being happy about it when they're going against the best the server has to offer.

      There is no "fairness" in cop v civ events. Cops either overwhelm civs with numbers and lethals, or they fail to stop the event. It's a binary yes or no, that's it.

  10. congrats on your self promotion @ Doc

  11. PSA: if you use the up to date build of profiling when you try to use a blasting charge your game will crash...

    1. codeYeTi


      If you want to revert manually, since Steam still doesn't let you do that in 2022, here's a link to the previous build (Win/x64).


  12. congrats @ Rexo I own you now >:D

  13. OMG I'm so proud of @ monster way to move up in the world buddy. Can't wait to see what you do next.

  14. aight bet
  15. How long of a time cap are you thinking?
  16. Sorry running a server isn't free?
  17. Does anyone else agree that this is probably what this future of Arma announcement is?


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ryan
    3. Rafa


      Official seggz mod @ Venomm

    4. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      All in all yeah, most likely, but still a chance to see enfusion in action, start learning the new tools and get a fresh experience with the ease of knowing more is on the way.

  18. O M G @ codeYeTi Congrats I'm a big fan UwU. Now you have to review my code >:D

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