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Everything posted by Creepy

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Imagine an admin posting an IP grabber.

    2. Skys


      of course new york has 5,637 confirmed 😂

  1. @Senior APD Member Happy Coup Day to you all

  2. You don't have to repair the shed, so spend as much money as you're comfortable with.
  3. If you're going to go through the effort of uploading a video to get someone banned, you need to leave that video up and PUBLIC or UNLISTED. If you take the video down, there's no evidence against that player and the ban can be lifted during the appeal. There's a reason we ask for the evidence to stay up for 2 weeks.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. SquirrelSensei


      @Billeh Not sure but Creepy asked me to put it unlisted again so i did. Like 2 hours after I did another status update went up saying the same thing so I put it to private again. 

    3. Creepy


      @Billeh there are certain circumstances that you can request not to have evidence shown. This wasn't one of them. 

    4. Creepy


      Also, for the record @SquirrelSensei this wasn't @ you specifically. There have been multiple instances of this happening, so it was more of a PSA than trying to expose a specific player.

  4. He wants the community's opinion, not some corrupt admin that is obviously out to get him!
  5. Creepy


    Goodbye little buddy
  6. He didn't even dube
  7. Looks fine to me but if you have an issue with an APD member put in a player report and it'll be sent to Internal Affairs
  8. @Riiken Tenkashie more popular than @Toasty and he isn't even playing on Olympus. #feelsbad


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Creepy


      Gotta do what you gotta do for the boys

    3. ChillX


      Riiken only plays anzus

    4. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      A lot of stream snipers

  9. OK so you didn't track it then. I was just wondering since you seemed to have so many different stats.
  10. Have you guys tracked how many times your gangshed has been blown up in the last year?
  11. @c0zza 😞

    1. c0zza


      Guess a joke means I’m a big ddoser 😏

  12. You seem to be a very angry young adult. I hope you find the peace you deserve. Namaste
  13. @SecTranLive I think this young man may be disillusioned with the system.
  14. Hmmm. I see.
  15. What's a simp? Did I win a prize?
  16. @Secret Agent you gotta stop biting people's shit my dude...

    https://imgur.com/a/OhGi0Ix shown to you Dec. 5th


    1. Show previous comments  42 more
    2. Secret Agent

      Secret Agent

      @xDRO you know what.. if you say you showed it to me then ill take your word for it.. I dont remember seeing it and if i honestly wanted to rip it off I certainly wouldn't have posted it a month later, Im not that retarded. I do remember having a short conversation with you about not seeing you anymore since you got mod but dont remember anything about @Slumberjack being there and talking to him about textures and monster jam. I thought that conversation was just you and I in a APD channel. @Jimmy Jarvis is correct i made mine from the original grave digger... it looks nothing like the one you made. 

    3. GluxDesigns


      This is a misunderstanding guys. Dro showed me and another staff the design (not Secret Agent). I fucking loved it. Sadly we never got it. Holidays go buy, I forget; weed too. Anywho, recently we seen a old game called Monster Truck Madness (old as shit game). Grave Digger was chosen. I told him to make it, hunter looked like a good fit, we did it. I just totally forgot you made one for the ifrit. Its all good though you can still submit it, and well have another option lol. Also big no no on leaking screenshots. 

      Anywho, as always Dro, you do some great designs, no offense to the design we made. This has gone way over what it should have been. @Creepy If you have any questions, comments, concerns related to the design time you come to me. Also if its none of your business and or concern, then shut up. xDro is a big boy. If he is upset or needs to chat he knows he can come to me.


    1. Horizon


      rumor has it people are still getting slapped by redman

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