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Everything posted by Noodles:D

  1. There were only 7 cops on so it was aids
  2. Hey bud just saying stealing money from people is the quickest way to have everyone in the community hate you
  3. If you need a paid middle man again msg me
  4. @Kyle Lake I know this is a bit late but when do we get our money from gang wars?

    1. Jester


      We already got it, @rapidaax made a status update a while ago

  5. Goodbye my fallen corps please don't fail that reeval.

  6. Can I have your 20mil? o7
  7. @Ares Everyone wants down voting back, like just add it back the whole community wants it back except a few medics.

    1. Skys


      Medics crying that is unheard of LUL

  8. Noodles:D


    @gaz Has an armed prowler I believe which is kinda better than the quilin tbh because It has 2 guns
  9. Happy birthday to the boys @Rossco and @rapidaax

    1. Rossco


      Thanks brotherrrr 

  10. Yes perks for the APD would be cool but why not just push for faster processing and a bigger payout for selling items? It will benefit's everyone people to make money off runs and the APD off of seizes and the medics off the revives from people getting robbed.
  11. Happy birthday @bdj lowkey a pretty chill guy

  12. Faster pro + selling bonus will really help runs I need the money too
  13. @Ares Please give us our corp lounge back please

  14. Noodles:D

    Price Check

    For the adr and the 50. mags they can be bought by WPs so do the number on wps x 15K and you can get roughly the price of them. For the t5 helmet prolly like 200K-300K
  15. I like to kill people on civ because I don't get to do it enough on cop
  16. Congrats @maxg don't lose SS to DPI glitching pls

  17. Is this where we low key brag about being tall? I'm 6'4
  18. Happy birthday @Montez Congrats on 150

    1. Montez


      thanks man, i still remember when i was a little boy in the 1870s

  19. You help people that dont understand or know a rule. I really enjoy it and no there is no direct benefit besides helping people.
  20. Cant wait to see all the new support team!
  21. Accepted for an interview. Please wait in the Olympus APD Whitelist Applicants Channel for a Senior APD member with your ticket number in your name. Good Luck!
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