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Everything posted by Vis

  1. Vis


    Try calling the APD, most of them don't come but some do. Whenever I am on I force everyone to come and help people doing legal runs
  2. 7 mandums away from 30k

  3. Yaaaa.... Someones genders is determined by x and y chromosomes. It has nothing to do with accepted social constructs. Anyone who thinks that science is a myth, potentially has extra chromosomes. Where the fuck did you get this info from. I think you mean you can have XXX or XXY but they are both disorders due to mutations but the sex organs for XXX are same as female and XXY same as male. They just have developmental delay and are usually infertile. But again you are still either a male or female.
  4. Apply for the design team
  5. my gun alone is 200k as a corp
  6. anyone know anything about skis? I am trying to buy a pair and I need help

    1. Tb:)
    2. Robinhood


      k2s are nice, just expensive. Go used tbh, just as good. there are size charts online all over the place.

    3. Lukeee


      rossignol makes nice ass skis but no clue the pricing on them

  7. If you have amazon prime, just use amazon music, if not use that $5 spotify student discount
  8. Anyone know how to make an autorun macro for logitech, I need it for dayz

    1. Ronin


      i need it for this server god damn

      why isnt it already a feature

    2. Pledge


      7 hours ago, Ronin said:

      i need it for this server god damn

      why isnt it already a feature

      Like to auto do what?

    3. Ronin



      Automatically run so you dont have to hold down shift. 

  9. Bring back qilins for civs and give POs P90s.


    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      Give deputies Ghosthawks or we riot 

    2. silton
    3. Kamikaze


      po p90s? hahaha p90 is equivalent to a type no thanks

  10. Grandma Gary just performed genocide on our names

  11. Yall need to stop copying my name, you unoriginal printers 

    1. -dante-


      Ight, helix chill out

    2. RubberDuck


      clicked on your profile and then that spooky scary skeleton shit started playing and nearly had a heart attack, killed my ears

    3. Vis


      Good I wanted that dislike


  12. I do not like this at all, alot of people are about to be tazed
  13. The malden mongol takeover has begun
  14. Anyone getting monster hunter?

    1. Kyle Lake

      Kyle Lake

      Yes, I will be getting it

    2. MAV


      I think I'll being getting it as well

  15. Wow thats a good house, $5
  16. iTs CoMiNg HoMe

  17. 601.1k
  18. 5M
  19. Starting a real estate company?
  20. Vis

    Logo Designs

    That's pretty goood
  21. Can't you just rob them back?
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