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Retired Chief
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Everything posted by TheRealKyle

  1. 1. APD (higher ranks) @G.O.A.T. @Dejay @EatMeth @Pledge @Goodman @McDili 2. APD (lower ranks) @Excision @heyday @3 Rip @Fushigi @Tiger @Lil Bill 3.MEDIC (higher ranks) @Isaac Newton nerdz nerdz nerdz 4.MEDIC (lower ranks) whichever one sneak revives me at cartel 5. vigillantes LUL 6. TAXI drivers lul These are just the people I play with the most. THE BOYS as some would say.
  2. The R&R can fly around in there Ghosthawk Formations, but the APD does it better.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -dante-


      I can already hear the dsync explosions coming

    3. Jmb


      11 minutes ago, Dante Fleury said:

      I can already hear the dsync explosions coming

      only half of blew up :4head:

    4. Wong


      I bet 3 seconds after this pic all the cars started driving and everything blew up :D

  3. celtics eastern conference finals and 1st pick bless up welcome to boston markelle 

    1. Snare


      Celtics are finna lose doh. They are my second fav team and im from new england but they losin'

    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      Their best player is a 5'9" point guard, they have an inexperienced team and coach. Series will go 4-1.

  4. get the fuck outta here john wall pickle head ass wizards suck lets go celtics

  5. feels bad dude u real one my guy
  6. congrats to the main Nigerian national @Goodman

  7. When people demand trial by combat with the boy deputy @3 Rip



  8. The first Armed Huron to be claimed belongs to @Monkeysz and 



    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Monkeysz


      At this moment in time nothing

    3. Snare


      Can you get insurance on it? because if you can't you will be lucky if you keep it for two pullouts. those things are paper.

    4. RambleR


      No insurance :(

      Ill be waiting with my titan xD

      Ill spend 1-2mil to bring that biatch down xD

  9. There's issues with this. There's absolutely no reason that you need to see anyone else's time besides yours. And the amount of time and work it would take to let everyone have there own separate little time-sheet for themselves just is not worth it. So many easier solutions. Takes 1 teamspeak/forum message vs. having to manage everyone's sheet and keeping it updated.
  10. Have you ever thought to simply ASK the LT of the squad you were assigned too? They are the ones responsible for inactivity removals and keeping track of times. There is absolutely no reason to have public times when all you have to do is message your LT.
  11. How about a throwback? Happy bday @G.O.A.T.


  12. If the rumors are true and kendrick drops another album on Easter Sunday, I will go into a coma.

  13. Russell Westbrook is MVP. Can't tell me differently. 



    1. QKSILVR73
    2. JBruesch


      he broke me

    3. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      You look like a new energy drink or something. Snap into a Jbrewsky. Sold at a redburger near you.

  14. Welp. It was a good run Oregon. Till next year.

    1. Tman15tmb


      I'm surprised Oregon made it this far considering Colorado beat them in the regular season, I figured they would choke sooner than later but they proved me wrong.

    2. Parker R

      Parker R


  15. Holy shit the legend returns.
  16. 97cf74a3b468229aeae09267f246679e.jpg

    Which ones real tho? :deIlluminati:



    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. bigSMOKE


      7 hours ago, DANGUSDEAN said:

      Left. Cause AI's never turn their head as far as I know.

      they do, saw 1 yesterday running in the road and was trying to talk to him because he was moving his head around like he was alt looking back at me chasing him when a cat hit him and he died

    3. Dangus


      Damn, well, I still think the left one. Lol

    4. grizzlybear


      i c thru these memes

  17. Oregon Basketball will be the death of me. Jesus christ that was a stressful game.

    1. iPopsicle


      Too bad Kansas will knock them out :/

  18. Alright, 64 bit arma is out. Great. Not for me though. Whenever I try to launch the game I get this Followed by this. I've tried everything I could. I looked up the error and troubleshooted in everyway, after doing all that i completely uninstalled the game and fresh installed it. I am lost for what to do from this point. The good news is i can still play it in 32 bit. And yes my computer is a 64 bit OS. Help me out homies. Oh and when i try to run the .exe as Admin I get this
  19. good thing i've never cheated then i guess
  20. grats @Winters @Trimorphious @Pledge xdxdxdxddxddddxdxdxdxdxdDdDDdddDDdDDD

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