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Everything posted by Bloodmoon

  1. :papega: check my new background picture

  2. Everyone saying DB runs the server and I'm over here just getting off a 5 day.

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      You still in the Lou? Lemme slide over

    3. Orgondo


      Nah fam back home :( until next year probs

    4. KrispyK


      1 hour ago, Orgondo said:

      @an overweight giant retard my town is notorious for meth, gotchu fam

      mines heroin, lets trade some goods and services

  3. So delusional to still be thinking we streamsniped. Not hard to think a retard is either in kav, diamond pro, or his shed. You got ran off the server without us breaking any rules, deal with it.
  4. So this is what happens when we clap a gang lul
  5. I would like to thank all the staff leaving and paving the way for Olympus to begin repairing itself from their horrible administration and begin prospering again!

  6. Get a buzzard, it is bugged and takes like no damage.
  7. @Outcast Horrible admin, just step down again already.

    1. Outcast


      Glad I got fans lmao.

  8. How did you get that forum tag
  9. I, however, will sell to pigs. 3m for a dms and 17m for a 338 sup.
  10. selling 7.62 sup, 338 sup, 2 dms, 2 mar10's, 2k warpoints

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Unjo


      20 minutes ago, Bloodmoon said:


      total is 5m, proceed to olympus teamspeak for checkout.

      Unrecognised item in bagging area

    3. Bloodmoon


      mar10 + 7 mags sold

      remaining items: 7.62 sup - 5m / 338 sup - 17m / 2 dms - 3m each / mar10 - 2m

    4. Bloodmoon


      Both mar10's sold

      remaining items: 7.62 sup - 5m / 338 sup - 17m / 2 dms - 3m each 

  11. 3-1 rules are still the same.
  12. Because when a cop is outnumbered and engaged they should put their hands up in order to value their life, no matter the intent.
  13. I'll buy warpoints for the high pm me instead of him if you wanna sell me some
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