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Everything posted by Bloodmoon

  1. 4acdafdc955cc98b36929ca3ad94ddb4.png


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. drama


      @SPBojo mods can’t do comp requests mongoloid

    3. SPBojo


      1 minute ago, draMa said:

      @SPBojo mods can’t do comp requests mongoloid

      Not like they do anything, period :Kappa:

    4. drama
  2. Only luck I need is for @Dante to keep making posts because currently after day 179 I will run out of posts, assuming he is still winning by 10 pm.
  3. Creating multiple accounts to downvote is against the forum rules.
  4. Should I give -10 a day to @Dante or @KrispyK for the foreseeable future?
  5. @Grandma Gary Thank you good sir

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Dante swung his dick earlier cause he thinks he's untouchable.  Just wait till he notices ^_^

  6. P90 to be added to Olympus
  7. the ADR is busted in CQC but really ass except that, also rips tempest tires easily.
  8. @Plumber @Kyle Lake Hi, can you guys take a look at @Syrre's comp request, its almost been a full day

  9. Identity is such a trainwreck lmao

    1. Kurt


      Facts, it is hilarious.

    2. Tacosmell


      Did it actually release?

  10. That's been a thing the day after armed planes were released, though we did it with the gatling gun plane not the new one.
  11. b692de7f1f488056f784b72299d877cc.png


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KrispyK


      the REAL question is how much did it drop when t stopped doing plat runs

    3. Tacosmell


      Thats when quilans were removed and everyone got money btw

    4. KrispyK


      I had 10 quilins and didn't get shit

  12. Well then don't give probable cause.
  13. what do you mean it isn't possible to fight for 45 min? Just get a few armed planes, we prevented a house search for 2 hours using armed planes once lmao
  14. @lou25000 10 mil if you respond to this within a day :4head:

    1. SPBojo


      @lou25000 Sends hes regards :Kappa:

    2. -dante-


      I’ll make this man some money rq one sec :Kappa:

    3. vedalkenn


      Hey it's lou, I'll take the 10 mil

  15. Tell me why almost every time I get processed the cop messes up somehow

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. MAV


      qt bloodmoon ill process you good n dirty ;-)

    3. Kamikaze


      got a pilot license for bloodmoon, gonna be searching for anything illegal, seizing everything illegal, u are wanted for, 2 tickets cya, EZ CLAP  

    4. Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      Trevor Lawrence MVP season

      I have a firearms license for a bloodmoon, I’m gonna be charging you with 30 aiding in a BW charges and sending you straight to jail 

  16. He obviously used the booter otherwise there would be no logs of him using the booter and then no probable cause for a search warrant, if he actually isn't being charged it's probably because he didn't ddos anything that caused damage and is not worth the time and money to prosecute.
  17. They seized the website bro lmao
  18. https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/8esjr6/we_are_the_dutch_national_police_and_the_public/ btw
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